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  - 28:14

Dr. Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole is a Mayo Clinic trained Board Certified Pathologist. He is Board Certified in anatomic and clinical pathology. He has expertise in immunology and virology and also has subspecialty expertise in skin pathology. He has seen over 350,000 patients in his career, and has done over 100,000 Covid tests in the past year. Dr Cole talks about the science and data relating to public health measures that we may have been missing, and what treatments should be available to everybody.






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March 31st 2021  

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Category: Health And Wellness



- 3 years ago  

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- 3 years ago  

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Purple Triangle

- 3 years ago  

The world is full of lies, hoaxes and deceit. — So, it shouldn't surprise anyone that the majority of religions outright lie and teach false doctrines. — MOST PEOPLE DON’T WANT THE TRUTH. — They reject it !! ** The teaching that everyone either goes to heaven or hellfire when they die... Is FALSE — The Bible Says....People & Animals....Both Go To The Same Place When They Die... Ecclesiastes 3: 18-20 “I said in my heart, [It is] because of the sons of men, that God may prove them, and that they may see that they themselves are [but as] beasts. 19 For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; and man hath no preeminence above the beasts: for all is vanity. 20 All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.” (American Standard Version) ~ The Hellfire Doctrine Is False. And, God Doesn’t Need Another Angel In Heaven, that’s a lie. ** This perfectly coincides with what God told Adam & Eve after they rebelled against him... Genesis 3:19 “You will have to work hard and sweat to make the soil produce anything, until you go back to the soil from which you were formed. You were made from soil, and you will become soil again." (Good News Translation) — Psalms 90:3 “You tell us to return to what we were; you change us back to dust.” — Psalms 104:29 “When you turn away, they are afraid; when you take away your breath, they die and go back to the dust from which they came.” — Psalms 90:10 “Seventy years is all we have - eighty years, if we are strong; yet all they bring us is trouble and sorrow; life is soon over, and we are gone.” ( Notice — It says ... GONE ) — ** Jesus NEVER taught that humans have an immortal soul. —However, he often did teach about the resurrection of the dead. (Luke 14:13, 14; John 5:25-29; 11:25) Luke 14: 13, 14 says.. But when you spread a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; ... For you will be repaid in the resurrection of the righteous ones.” —
 ** If people go to heaven or hellfire when they die, how will this scripture be fulfilled? — Psalm 37:29 The righteous will possess the EARTH, And they will LIVE FOREVER on it. — ** Hope For The Dead Is The Resurrection .. John 5:28, 29 Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the MEMORIAL TOMBS will hear his voice 29 and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment. — ** Satan is the one who lied when he told Eve: “You certainly will not die.” - [the first lie ever told] - ( Satan’s lie is still being spread to this day ) — Learn Bible truths ... Use the following link ... To get your free copy of the book, entitled ... — ENJOY LIFE FOREVER —


- 3 years ago  

Good points however, India is now in major trouble. Did they stop giving the population ivermectin or is it not working against new variants?


- 3 years ago  

Yet another medical professional to be found in the right side of history! Of course, we, the great unwashed, are all too stupid and brainwashed to take any of this on board ... aren't we? Wake the fck up! Its all part of the bigger control plan being rammed down our throats. This is what 21st century gulag warfare look like. You can choose to go quietly to the slaughterhouse ... or you can choose to fight. There is no in between option.


- 3 years ago  

The fight started with the masks, as long as people are going along with the mask lie any hope seems lost.


- 4 years ago  

Where can I order some for Iver for 35 bucks??


- 4 years ago  

Never let a crisis go to waste says every politician


- 4 years ago  

So, define covid 19 again... So, has anyone in the world isolated and purified the virus SarsCov-2.... So, has any lab in the world EVER proven that any "respiratory virus" is contagious in humans via airborne droplets, coughs and sneezes? If there is no invisible airborne demon...there is NO PANDEMIC!


- 4 years ago  

It is irrational to attempt to reason with the irrational. Half of America is unwilling to acknowledge that the Communist party (Progressive Democrats) stole the election via Ballot Harvesting via the Corona Pandemic Fraud. Nothing short of Insurrection and mass civil disobedience will shake this parasite. Those who control the Media have become our deadly enemies.


- 4 years ago  

This presentation laid out all the facts in an easy way to understand this whole thing. How can one not see that we have been severely snookerd with such dishonesty. And as Dr. Cole brought up, because of these political tactics these leaders have a ton of blood on their hands. And more to come with this mislabeled DNA manipulated gene therapy that they call "vaccine." The decades of the predictive programming of the public minds have become immensely manifest. The public in such an ignorant way have come to full circle in believing that vaccines are the way to promote a safe society. This is an awful thing to believe when there are atrocious ramifications that comes with it. We are now witnessing the greatest threat to our medical freedom because of the illegal mandates of these falsely labeled vaccines and their desire to forge ahead the vaccine passport - so un-American! Imagine that, putting the horse before the cart and coercing people to take an experimental injection that is not even approved yet. This is such tyrannical rulership. We need to pushback hard in this. If you want to do something, please sign the following petition against mandating this vaccine. Please read it and sign it if you agree at: One last thing, the FDA states that only something can be used under the Emergency Use authorization under two conditions: 1) when there is a pandemic, and 2) when there are no alternative treatments. Sadly, we know both are lies.


- 4 years ago  

Gov RDA: 1k. Nature: 30mins Sun (optimal) 20k Sun > UVB > D3 (Seco Steroid Hormone) that effects genetic transcription of the anti microbial peptide Cathilicidin which kills viruses, bacteria and fungi. CV19 > Ballot Harvesting > Orange Man Gone along with Democracy?


- 4 years ago  

He's almost there. There is no virus. It is a seasonal body detox of exosomes. Germ theory is a lie.


- 4 years ago  

are you from the 15th century?