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December 16th 2020  

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Category: Health And Wellness



- 4 years ago  

if you are on facebook or twitter or Youtube ... you are a moron


- 4 years ago  

Wait, this is a second nurse? Not Tiffany Dover? Just like the "spanish flu". "Everyone that received the vaccine died of the flu."- Nurse 1918 spanish flu


- 4 years ago  

HOW TO GET THE VICTORY? How do we, as human beings GET THE VICTORY in this horrific, nightmare beast of a system? They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. THEY DID NOT LOVE THEIR LIVES SO MUCH AS TO SHRINK FROM DEATH" . Revelation 12:11-- It [the Beast 666]was given power to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. (Rev 13:7) "If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed." This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God's people. (Rev. 13:10) The New World Order, Vaccines and the War on the Saints


- 4 years ago  

As 1 +1 =2, the MARK on the body from the Covid 19 vaccine, (the Quantum Dot Tattoo) + the necessity to participate in their system to “buy or sell” good and services (ID Alliance 2020) = Revelation 13:16-18, (See also Rev. 14:9) Quote from ID Alliance 2020 from Windowscentral concerning the digital identity (aka Mark of the Beast) stamped/inserted in our body and coming with the vaccine: “Especially since nonparticipants in this system would be unable to buy or sell goods and services.” Compare that last sentence with Revelation 13:16-18 Quantum Dot Tattoo delivered with vaccine, via Luciferase enzyme that makes microneedles patch glow under a smart phone app-- it is not about immunity; it is about IDENTITY and TRACKING!!! People who don’t get it will not be able to buy and sell; your financial transactions will be blocked. Check this out on the mark of the beast, vaccinations, and "Gil Bates" 2nd link has the audio. Take this mark to “get back to normal”, you’ll go to the lake of fire. WARN OTHERS!


- 4 years ago  

The GREAT RESET = the Great Tribulation = (Great Distress/Persecution) = New World Order = New Normal = Agenda 21 It seems that we have entered the Great Tribulation (Distress/Persecution)- that we are in Revelation 6 right now and that the 1st Seal has been opened. The rider on the white horse was given a crown. (Corona). Seal #2- fiery red horse: Bloodshed Seal #3 black horse: FAMINE Seal #4 pale horse : Mark of the Beast Seal # 5 Souls under the alter of those slain who did not take the mark and held to testimony of Jesus; Seal # 6- The rapture- sun will be darkened, moon will not give its light, stars will fall from the sky; "son of man on the clouds" (see also Mt 24:29, Lk 21, Mk 13) Seal #7 Wrath of God (also Trumpet 7)


- 4 years ago  

It’s too bad preachers are going along with this. We need to band together and stand strong.


- 4 years ago  

I agree with your comment, I did a video a while back talking about preachers and them not standing up: Thank you for watching and thank you for your comments.


- 4 years ago  

They are false preachers- who lie and preach the false hope lie of a pre-trib rapture and the lie of Once Saved Always Saved. They are the devil's mouthpiece. (burns me up too) As 1 +1 =2, the MARK on the body from the Covid 19 vaccine, (the Quantum Dot Tattoo) + the necessity to participate in their system to “buy or sell” good and services (ID Alliance 2020) = Revelation 13:16-18, (See also Rev. 14:9) Quote from ID Alliance 2020 from Windowscentral concerning the digital identity (aka Mark of the Beast) stamped/inserted in our body and coming with the vaccine: “Especially since nonparticipants in this system would be unable to buy or sell goods and services.” Compare that last sentence with Revelation 13:16-18 Quantum Dot Tattoo delivered with vaccine, via Luciferase enzyme that makes microneedles patch glow under a smart phone app-- it is not about immunity; it is about IDENTITY and TRACKING!!! People who don’t get it will not be able to buy and sell; your financial transactions will be blocked. Check this out on the mark of the beast, vaccinations, and "Gil Bates" 2nd link has the audio. Take this mark to “get back to normal”, you’ll go to the lake of fire. WARN OTHERS!


- 4 years ago  

HOW TO GET THE VICTORY? How do we, as human beings GET THE VICTORY in this horrific, nightmare beast of a system? They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. THEY DID NOT LOVE THEIR LIVES SO MUCH AS TO SHRINK FROM DEATH" . Revelation 12:11-- It [the Beast 666]was given power to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. (Rev 13:7) "If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed." This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God's people. (Rev. 13:10) The New World Order, Vaccines and the War on the Saints


- 4 years ago  

I dont wear a mask and I get flake from a lot of directions. I think it is my GOD given right to be able to breath. The people at walmart think I am crazy, judging by the looks they give me. My dr said I have to wear a mask to come in his office, I told him we could do face time. He said ok but that he cant do face time every time. Dont know what to do when it's time to get meds filled.


- 4 years ago  

I do NOT wear a mask either. I have found other avenues for meds/prescription lenses/etc... A mask only shows you are obeying and submissive — nothing more.


- 4 years ago  

Nothing concrete here that proves it's not a hoax.


- 4 years ago This story states it's false but I don't believe anything that comes from government and media. I just put story's that I run across out there for people to either ignore or do their own research since no one else will do that without their own interests in mind. It sucks we as people cannot trust those that are supposed to be working for us.

Small Potato Helper

- 4 years ago  

Once my workplace says take the vaxx or you'r fired is when I pull my phone out and record first I say I will not take the vaxx. Then I will say look what my workplace is doing. Then I will put my video on newtube. Other people should do as I do. Don't let workplaces make you take the vaxx. Make sure your phone has aloud of free memory space. If your workplace tries to get you to take the vaxx, pull your cell phone out record then upload it to newtube.


- 4 years ago  

Smart Move. DO NOT TAKE IT!!! I pray to God to give me the strength to stand firm and no yield to the temptation. Many will buckle. I feel terrible for parents of small children. "Mommie, I'm hungry. Daddy, I'm thirsty:. Many will buckle and take it so that they feed their families. (buy and sell) As 1 +1 =2, the MARK on the body from the Covid 19 vaccine, (the Quantum Dot Tattoo) + the necessity to participate in their system to “buy or sell” good and services (ID Alliance 2020) = Revelation 13:16-18, (See also Rev. 14:9) Quote from ID Alliance 2020 from Windowscentral concerning the digital identity (aka Mark of the Beast) stamped/inserted in our body and coming with the vaccine: “Especially since nonparticipants in this system would be unable to buy or sell goods and services.” Compare that last sentence with Revelation 13:16-18 Quantum Dot Tattoo delivered with vaccine, via Luciferase enzyme that makes microneedles patch glow under a smart phone app-- it is not about immunity; it is about IDENTITY and TRACKING!!! People who don’t get it will not be able to buy and sell; your financial transactions will be blocked. Check this out on the mark of the beast, vaccinations, and "Gil Bates" 2nd link has the audio. Take this mark to “get back to normal”, you’ll go to the lake of fire. WARN OTHERS! the audio part


- 4 years ago  

HOW TO GET THE VICTORY? How do we, as human beings GET THE VICTORY in this horrific, nightmare beast of a system? They overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. THEY DID NOT LOVE THEIR LIVES SO MUCH AS TO SHRINK FROM DEATH" . Revelation 12:11-- It [the Beast 666]was given power to wage war against God's holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. (Rev 13:7) "If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity they will go. If anyone is to be killed with the sword, with the sword they will be killed." This calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on the part of God's people. (Rev. 13:10) The New World Order, Vaccines and the War on the Saints

Mike Oxlong

- 4 years ago  

I call BS. Provide a name so we can research it for ourselves.


- 4 years ago This story states it's false but I don't believe anything that comes from government and media. I just put story's that I run across out there for people to either ignore or do their own research since no one else will do that without their own interests in mind. It sucks we as people cannot trust those that are supposed to be working for us.


- 4 years ago  

Love your messege. Very interesting about the nurses and doctors being vaxed first and then dying before we get it.


- 4 years ago  

Thank you.


- 4 years ago  

I hope the Biden's, Obama's and Clinton's, Soro's get the vaccine.


- 4 years ago  

That sounds like a great idea.


- 4 years ago  

If you see any politicians, celebrities or other notables on TV getting any shot, it could be a vitamin shot. Deceit is prospering and truth is being thrown to the ground. (Daniel)