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Nashville Nurse suffers Bells Palsy from COVID vaccine

  - 1:14

The following was grabbed from the place I got the link from: “It would seem that this vaccine is hindering one or more of the following minerals; potassium, copper, iodine, silica and Zinc and so I’d definitely suggest an intake of Potassium Phosphate, Potassium Iodide, Silicon Dioxide, Cuprum Ars and Silicon Dioxide. A regular use of Kali Phos at 6x, Kali Iod/Cuprum Ars/Silica at 12x would be most beneficial for this condition of Bells Palsy. One can use less frequency dosing of these remedies when using the higher potencies (Cuprum met, Iodum, Kali-p, and Silicea) in the C,M, LM ranges and these would be even more valuable. This lady will probably be in need of Cadmium Sulphate, CURARE, Graphites, NUX VOM or Sulphur due to the problem being on the left and more than likely arising from sudden haemorrhagic (apoplexy). Hypericum may also be needed if this is stemming from nerve damage. One needs to study the following remedies; Aconite, Agaricus, All-cepa, Alumina, Arnica, Bacillinum, Bar-c, Belladonna, CADMIUM SULPH, Causticum, Crot-h, curare, Dulcamara, Form, graphites, Hepar Sulph, HYPERICUM, Kali chi, Kali Phos, Lachesis, Nux Vom, Op, Petr, Phosphorus, Platina, Plb, Pulsatilla, Ran-b, Ruta, Seneg, Spig, Stry, Sulphur, Syph. One will need to study each remedy to see if the remedy fits the symptom pattern being suffered and if so then the correct remedies must be used. When it comes to Western herbal medicine then you’d mostly be using high quality tinctures of alternative herbs especially ECHINACEA and/or VALERIAN. The other commonly used alternatives would be; asafoetida, barberry, black cohosh, bryonia, chamomile, lobelia, rosemary, sage and wood betony. You can utilise a decoction formula of; chamomile, sage and wood betony using all equal amounts and then take this drink one-three times a day. You can also utilise the follow herbs as a combination decoction; black cohosh, echinacea, rosemary and valerian (you could also replace valerian with just a smaller






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