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Flat Plane 2020



Air - Plane

  - 26:37






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

August 21st 2021  

File Size: 48 MB

Category: Technology & Science



- 3 years ago  

Seriously the plane falls out of the thinner air apparently... bullshit, the earth is flat. Density keeps our asses in seats!


- 3 years ago  

Question for you flat Earthers? What is keeping your ass in your chair as you sit and make your video of complete lack of understanding? This over 20 minute of ignorance really just hurts the brain of anyone who has even high school understanding of how all things pertain to our globe Earth. Here is a simple thing to try to understand the idea of a 'gravitaional' force acting on an object in flight. Get a length of string say 20 ft long. Attach it to the center point of a toy airplane. Then start spinning the length of string from your central point of view. Yes, you will see the toy airplane spinning around you in a horizontal plane in complete 360degree circles. It is locked in this rotation by the length of string attached to it and your physical action of moving said toy airplane in a circular motion around your central body. If the string is attached at the centre point of mass this airplane is the plane will appear to fly in a level plane of motion from your point of view as it circles in perfect 360 degree motion. You are simulating a central force on the airplane via the string you attached to the airplane as your spin the airplane around your central point of your body. Now imagine standing on a platform say 30 ft above the ground. You are still spinning this toy airplane in a horizontal plane around your body on this 30ft. tall platform. Now this 20 ft. long string attached to this toy airplane if you now tilt the angle of rotation say 30 degrees from your central point of view the place still makes perfect circular orbits your body holding this string is a simulation.of gravity on the orbiting toy airplane. If you next tilt your angle to 90degrees the toy airplane will now be orbiting in a vertical plane from how it was orbiting when your previously spinning the toy airplane 90degrees earlier relative to your point of view now. I hope you can understand my experiment here. You are in this experiment the 'gravitational' pull on the toy airplane attached to the string as your spin it around your central point of view. Thus is just like a cowboy with his lasso as he is about to spin it over his head and about to release it to lasso that calf out in front of the cowboy on his horse. Well not sure if you will understand my simulation of flight in an orbital pattern where you are the simulation of gravity, but what the hell it only took a few minutes to write this reply.🤔

Flat Plane 2020

- 3 years ago