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Max Random



Have you tasted the magnetic chicken ? It's devious- nanotech 420punk

  - 2:19

How about magnetic nanotech food? The chicken tested positive off the chain store shelf. Video Looks like bringing a magnet to the food store is the latest way to keep down the poisoning genocide in your house. WTF is next. Still want to let the politicians to decide on your health? Good luck- People should be publicly hanged who are participating in slowly executing your family. CHINA might be the ones supplying this chicken as it's not traceable by the #SignatureFarms logo China – it’s not just about killing your dog, and selling you dangerous drywall. Now China will be processing chickens for consumption across the US. And under the new rules, your local grocery store, or your local McDonald’s, won’t have to disclose if their chicken has been processed in a country that has had chronic problems meeting basic quality standards on food in particular. What, you might ask, could possibly go wrong? Last year, Chinese chicken sickened or killed 1,000 American dogs You might recall that China is the country that a few years back killed your dogs, a few different times actually, including last year when Chinese dog treats reported sickened and/or killed American 1,000 dogs. Oh, and guess what was in the jerky treats that killed our dogs? Chinese chicken. Speaking of chicken, did you know that a few years back nearly 3 million Americans ate chickens that were fed poisonous Chinese pet food? But the fun hardly stops there. Consumers have been plagued with Chinese poisonous toothpaste, dangerous tires that leave out a special safety feature, tainted baby milk, tainted pork, toxic rice, kidney-damaging cookies, cake and candies, bird-flu infected chicken, dying pigs, and toxic fish. Mmm… toxic fish. Well, now China will be processing US-produced chicken that will then be shipped back to the US market, and no one will bother letting you know which chicken you’re buying got processed first in beautiful China! Perhaps my favorite Chinese quality-control disaster was t






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June 15th 2021  

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Category: Health And Wellness

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