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Thank you Jesus for my new relationship with you

I am filled with immense joy because I realized it has been nearly a year that I have been a follower and lover of Jesus Christ, my savior. I remember the day I believed – it was October 20th or 21st. I was previously practicing witchcraft and doing all sorts of ungoldy things; I held a lot of anger in my heart and I was very confused. A funny thing is that a fellow witch told me if I was having a hard time in my witchcraft path I could call on, and use the name of Jesus to help me. I tried it. I used the name of Jesus in prayer and it touched me and affected me, helping me deeply. I started to wonder, remembering that I heard that witchcraft and witches aren’t a good thing in the bible and they should be kept away from; I started to wonder if I was on the wrong path. Because of my deep held anger for the world, I started to read The Book of Revelation first, because I heard that was the end of the world and I wanted to see an end coming. I read it over and over and I was filled with great fear and awe towards God. I couldn’t believe what I was reading; as in the Revelation of Jesus Christ it becomes very clear that Jesus is one with God, which I had no clue about in the past. It was just so amazing to me to realize and understand this about Jesus. I cannot express the deep wonder I held for finding this out, and how much in positively impacted my life from then on. After reading The New Testament a bit, mostly Revelation, the truth of Jesus felt very pressing to me, it felt very pressing to make a choice whether to follow and believe him or not. I was in the passenger seat of the car with my brother driving, and I laid back in my seat in prayer for over half an hour. At the end of my prayer after posturing my heart to God, and sincerely asking him if Jesus Christ was who I thought he was, if he was real and he was who the Bible said he was. Not a second lapsed after I asked the question and opened my eyes, that my brother exclaimed, “Jesus....






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October 14th 2022  

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