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Anthony - NewTube FounderPLUS




  - 1:15:30

Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation, tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. David Martin is the creator of the world’s first quantitative public equity index – the CNBC IQ100. He served as Chair of Economic Innovation for the UN-affiliated Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization and has served as an advisor to numerous Central Banks, global economic forums, the World Bank and International Finance Corporation, and national governments. Dr. Martin has pioneered global programs to bring corporate and stock market transparency to multi-national extractive industries and has been instrumental in bringing the world’s largest white-collar criminals to justice. DOWNLOAD AND SHARE : Visit our website:






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

August 18th 2020  

File Size: 1.5 GB

Category: How To & Education



- 4 years ago  

THERE IS NO PANDEMIC: Globally; the World Health Organization estimates the common flu kills 290.000 to 650,000 people each year. Until the Covid 19 virus kills more than 650,000 people; it is less deadly than the common flu virus. Corona viruses have been around for 60 years. There are 36 different strains of corona virus, 4 of them have been known to cause infection for a long time. Corona viruses cause between 20-40% of the flu that we see worldwide. Screening tests are not specific enough to differentiate between any of those 36 different strains of virus. It is highly likely that everyone in the world has had some exposure to a corona virus and has probably had some infection of a corona virus somewhere in their lifetime. What most people don't know is that any 'test' for a virus does not test for a specific virus: It tests for antibodies that show up in your immune system to fight a virus. If someone tests positive, what does that actually mean? It means that at some time in your life your body developed certain antibodies to fight certain viruses. So if you test positive, does that mean you have an active infection? Does that mean you had an infection in the past? Does that mean you have an active infection of one of the 36 strains that have been around for 60 years? If you test positive does it mean that you’re sick? Or does it mean that you’ve been exposed to one of these 36 strains of corona virus and that it doesn’t bother your immune system? If you test positive for antibodies that fight corona virus, which strain of corona virus do you have? The new recommendations from the American CDC (and in Canada also)… is if someone is in the hospital with a respiratory issue and they die… then even if you have not tested them… or you tested them and they were not positive…you’re supposed to write on the death certificate “Co-morbidity”. This is driving the numbers up to maintain the agenda of mass hysteria, mass panic and mass fear.. It keeps the panic churning. . It is estimated that 12,000-16,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the common flu virus in America alone each year. At least 8,200 people have died this season from the common flu virus in America. NOT from .the corona virus. The reason for these low members is the common flu is now being misdiagnosed as the corona virus. Otherwise the common flu deaths would be about normal: 12,000-16,000 deaths, AND BE IGNORED. There are 3.91 millions deaths caused by respiratory illnesses every year globally. HOW MANY RESPIRATORY DEATHS HAVE BEEN USED TO CREATE THIS HOAX? Recent studies by medical experts have revealed that the rate of infections is much larger by order of many magnitudes. As a result of the increased number of infected people; the death rate for Covid 19 has changed from 1.3% to roughly about .01%... Dr. Fauci himself told the medical community that Covid 19 is a seasonal flu with a mortality rate of .01%... A .01% death rate IS NOT A PANDEMIC… IT Is A HOAX.. Fauci has MILLIONS INVESTED IN VACCINES. Globally, there are 17-18 million deaths each year. Of the 32 main causes of deaths the corona virus ranks at the bottom of the list. Each year there are 3 million newborns who die in the world of pneumonia and 50,000 adults in the United States for the same cause, WITHOUT ALARMS BEING ISSUED. In many cases, they are misdiagnosing the common flu and calling it Covid 19. Anyone who dies of a respiratory ailment is being marked down as dying from Covid 19 They are lying to you. The numbers are being deliberately falsified. THERE ARE NO RELIABLE TESTS that can tell the difference between Covid 19 and all the other flu viruses… never mind the 36 different Corona viruses!!.. ‘ There is NO real “Covid-19” What it is, is that “they” invented a miserable “corona-virus “test”, which as it has been very recently been documented and written in the official U.S. Medical Library Records, is not and cannot detect any actual “Covid-19″… and instead it only detects “corona-viruses” existence in general in the human body… The so called “test” (and we are talking about the so called “credible” one which is working on the molecular level), in addition to the above, also, cannot detect the amount of the “corona-viruses” in the human body… which is crucial in order for a patient to be determined as an actual patient of a FLU…’ In fact: the inventor of the PCR test publicly stated that is was not designed to diagnose ANY virus. NEWS FLASH Updated numbers from the CDC reveal only 9,210 American have died from Covid 19. The stats for overall seasonal death rates this year across Europe are the same if not less than for any other year. The official figures for 24 countries across Europe show, not only that overall mortality is not increasing, but – so far – it is actually well below recent averages. virus-panic/ Johan Giesecke (ex state epidemiologist, WHO advisor, chief scientist/European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) “I think of it is as a severe seasonal influenza”; “Someone right now is dying from pneumonia and it will absolutely be impossible to isolate this year’s version of corona virus from other forms of respiratory ailments by exclusively claiming it as a causative factor in death. That is criminal negligence. The problem, is that “corona virus” (due to mass media over-magnification) will end up stealing stats from the 1.5-3 million pneumonia cases per year and the 3/4 to 1 million flu cases. In fact, it already is.” Dr. Pablo Goldschmidt is an Argentine-French virologist ;. “There is no evidence to show that the 2019 corona virus is more lethal than respiratory adenoviruses, influenza viruses, corona viruses from previous years, or rhinoviruses responsible for the common cold.” This a scam. Dr. Michael Levitt Professor of biochemistry at Stanford University. “The number of deaths of corona virus in Italy is 10% of the number of deaths of influenza in the country between 2016-2017. German Network for Evidence-Based Medicine “In the majority of cases, COVID-19 takes the form of a mild cold or is even symptom-free. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that all cases of infection are recorded, in contrast with deaths which are almost completely recorded. This leads to an overestimation of the CFR. (Case Fatality Rate) An overestimation of the Case Fatality Rate also occurs when a deceased person is found to have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, but this was not the actual cause of death. The CDC just reported that 94% of Covid deaths had other medical issues. Dr Richard Schabas former Chief Medical Officer of Ontario: “Quarantine belongs back in the Middle Ages. Save your masks for robbing banks. Stay calm and carry on. Let’s not make our attempted cures worse than the disease.” Globe and Mail, 11th March 2020’ “Strictly by the numbers, the corona virus does not register as a dire global crisis” ‘You don’t need to be an expert to see the causes for the concentration in Northern Italy and NYC. as Florence has about 300,000 legal Chinese immigrants taking over its manufacturing, in addition to countless illegal Chinese, who make regular and continuous trips back & forth to Wuhan. Once the outbreak in China became known, and China began complaining a few weeks later that calling it a Chinese- or Wuhan-virus was “racist,” the mayor of Florence encouraged the Italian residents of Florence to “hug a Chinese” to show support. Again, there was a constant traffic between Florence & Wuhan at that time. And Florence apparently has the second oldest population in Europe, if not in the world.’ If you watch this video; You will understand that the virus was created in a laboratory in Wuhan China.... Second... the global economy has been slowing down for years and a major depression was about to happen anyways... Third: What the Chinese CCP govt did was purposefully spread the virus and wait until there was enough ''reason'' to institute martial law and crack down on its population in order to terrorize and intimidate them because they knew a major economic depression was going to hit China.... If the CCP had not spread the virus, the Chinese people would have blamed them for the depression... This way, the inevitable depression could be blamed on the virus, not on the govt.. What happened next is that all the other govts that knew of the economic slowdown, who knew that a major global depression was coming, latched on to the fake Chinese ""pandemic"" scare and pushed this hoax globally: to avoid being blamed for the oncoming recession/depression. Why did they do this? Because spreading: MASS FEAR; MASS PANIC; MASS PARANOIA; MASS HYSTERIA: MASS BRAINWASHING: Is always good for the ruling class…. MASS IMPOVERISHMENT of the electorate; Making billions of people TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON THEIR GOVTS…. While the .01% get richer from HUGE bailouts to the banks and corporations. Can you say one-world governed by FEAR and HYSTERIA? Can you say GLOBAL BRAINWASHING? Billions of the world’s masses are being impoverished due to this hoax. Over 50.million people died of the 1920 pandemic: COMPARE THAT TO THIS FUCKING HOAX. MASS FEAR; MASS PARANOIA; MASS CONFORMITY; POLICE STATE MARTIAL LAW. While destroying your society, your lives and your livelihoods… WAKE UP YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED INTO ILLOGICAL FEAR. NEWSFLASH: Tucker Carlson reported that the American death tolls for 2020 ARE THE SAME AS 2019 THERE HAS BEEN NO SPIKE IN DEATHS IN SPITE OF THE FAKE PANDEMIC. THE NUMBERS DO NOT LIE.


- 4 years ago  

The girl being held down by the cop at 1.08 is my ex girlfriend. It blows my mind that she made international news. Great kick Emily!

Seriously? That's awesome! Yeah she did a great job!


- 4 years ago  

All you need is IVERMECTIN injection and presto, you're cured !


- 4 years ago  

Bill Gates wants you dead.


- 4 years ago  

I wish people would stop calling them “TheWho”. The Who is a great rock and roll band. The W.H.O. are a bunch of corrupt scumbags.


- 2 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

Love the screen size adjuster

Anti Illuminati

- 4 years ago  

Dieing Souls of Babylon Look. Look. See with your eyes... Not with your mind? Bluebeam project gonna fool mankind. Another false flag. Covid-19. Let's take a peek behind the scenes. Propagated media. Secrets and lies. Fall for the government's alibis. Agenda 21. The U.N. plan. Crypto currency for the evolved man. A new global net. 5G and A.I. Dieing world of radiation, Stay at home or die. A century of deception from the United Snakes. Ashcroft, The Bushes, Clinton's, Bill Gates. Names put to paper for a system of control. Fiat money for credit. The fight for your soul. Wall Street, Rupert Murdoch. J.P. Morgan, Apple tech stock. I could make a list of who's been ripping us off. Monsanto sells us cancer. Socialism ain't the answer. These people have stole billions and it still ain't enough. At the Georgia Guidestones. There's a small celestial hole. Astrology. Mythology. Dichotomy for the elite. A new age 10 commandments. Multi language, etched in granite. Scientology. Egyptology. Suckle from Crowly's teat. With ears they do not hear, and with eyes they do not see. Dieing souls of Babylon, There is no victory. Invent the tools to break all the rules, Sell it to fools in Idolatrous form. Follow the clues, It's all a big ruise. Meant to confuse those that do not conform. More people dieing, but that's nothing new. Look the other way, 'till it happens to you. The Red Dragon warning has fallen on deaf ears. Until a pandemic's been reengineered. Life on earth has changed. The minds of the deranged. Now the War Pigs have control. The age of global slaves. Convincing genocidal minds, That murder is o.k. A symphony of destruction. The stage is set, Now watch the play. The President's lips move on the propaganda tube. Repeat the lie enough, and people think It's true. History repeats itself. Will we ever learn. Books are written by the victors. All the rest is burnt. The truth's been right in front of us, Connect the frickin' dots. Remote Frequency ID, Vaccines and Nanobots. Wake up to the truth, There's proof. Validity in my words. The hour's getting late, Our fate's in the hands of evil nerds. Zuckerberg and Soros, I'm calling you out for Treason. Crimes against The Constitution, And so many other reasons. Militarized Police State. Submit, or be condemned. Unwilling subordinate. It's F.E.M.A. camp for them. I've had my eyes on this Agenda of lies. I've followed the bread crumbs, and seen through the disguise. Decades of signs and prophecy, and now it might be to late. Heaven's Mercy has closed the door and left us to our fate. Written by: Michael Taylor April 24th 2020


- 4 years ago  

We are the children of the Revolution (T. Rex). We're coming for you deep state and WE WILL NOT BE STOPPED! REVOLUTION. We can do this. Peace.


- 4 years ago  

How can these criminals talk about conspiracy theories when they're telling everyone their criminal scams


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

Please don’t IGNORE THIS. After 18th Sept, The Government are going to say they consulted the public and because there were no objections, we all want and consent to the rollout of unlicensed #vaccines, and that we are happy for non-medical staff to administer them and happy to accept we will not have the ability to ask for compensation if we face damage to our health. They are going to say, you agreed to it (because no one saw this #Consultation request to share their opinion of course), this request is not being seen by many and has not been promoted widely enough. Please don’t fall into apathy and then complain when it’s too late. NB: click on the photo and then look for the blue ‘respond on line’, click on the words to go to the right place to share your views on each aspect of the potentially harmful new law they want to pass. Please reshare this and make sure you contribute


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago


- 4 years ago  

U.N. BEHIND THIS NWO agenda. The time is now. They in for the biggest shock of theid lives!! GOD IS WITH US.

Our New World!

- 4 years ago  

Anthony, I paid $30 for 6 months of NTPlus, as you asked. Will wait to hear on the downloader! Thanks!

Marked you as plus, thanks a lot! Let me know if your file size limit and everything was upgraded, thanks!


- 4 years ago  

Thank you for your commitment to the truth anthony. Its nearly impossible to desipher truth through all the deception and propaganda aimed to keep humanity at our lowest vibration. Keep shining light in to the darkness and you will save the ones searching for light in the abyss.


- 4 years ago  


so cool right? lol


- 4 years ago  

nice one copyed thanks

were you able to use the download button?


- 4 years ago  

yes Antnony but you names all over it (top left corner)



- 4 years ago  

sent you messages on twitter with pic Anthony

Vive la Liverté

- 4 years ago  

Thank you NewTube to give a platform to this must see documentary

No problem my friend I'm glad you're enjoying the platform! Stay tuned much more to come