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Anthony - NewTube FounderPLUS



Tony Heller's abbreviated video where he discusses NewTube

  - 1:41

Originally uploaded to by Tony Heller Original Description: YouTube censorship won't let me post the complete video here, but you can see it at And please subscribe to my channel - while you can still find me.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

December 8th 2020  

File Size: 6 MB

Category: News



- 4 years ago  

Canada was covered in ice two miles thick 13000 years ago. It started to melt and had a pause for 1200 years in the younger dryas period. The leading hypothesis is that a comet broke apart and hit the ice sheets in several places. This brought on another bad cold spell. It destroyed the largest mammoth and perhaps the Clovis Indian in North America . The melting resumed and the ice melted fast. At 9000 year , the sea level rise was at 9 feet per century. ( it’s at 1 foot today). The total sea rise was over 400 feet Tasmania separated from Australia and the English Channel filled with water. All this melting happened with co2 steady at 280 ppm 🤪 We are in an interglacial period in the sixth ice age. We are still warming but it has nothing to do with the co2 or silly sheep in face diapers 🐑😷


- 4 years ago  

Climate alarmists are assholes


- 4 years ago  

I don't have audio here at all. It starts then after 2 seconds it stops


- 4 years ago  

We will have more snow than last year. More heat more rain.


- 4 years ago  

A few of years after they said that, we had four or more years of very cold and snowy winters. We had one good summer (not great, I'm over 70 and I remember great summers) The same lot told us, due to the prolonged drought the water table had dropped so low it would take 50 years to replenish. Nature did its job and the very next year replaced the loss. :-)


- 4 years ago  

I am not doing so well here but l shall keep trying.

Small Potato Helper

- 4 years ago  

Once my workplace says take the vaxx or you'r fired is when I pull my phone out and record first I say I will not take the vaxx. Then I will say look what my workplace is doing. Then I will put my video on newtube. Other people should do as I do. Don't let workplaces make you take the vaxx. Make sure your phone has a lot of free memory space. If your workplace tries to get you to take the vaxx, pull your cell phone out record then upload it to newtube.


- 4 years ago  

I was watching Tony on YouTube this evening. And the video of the the young couple walking down a wooded area wearing masks was stopped after about 30 seconds. That sucks.


- 4 years ago  

I'm glad to see Tony Survived. For a while there everytime I tried to find his YOutube posts I got a list of hits abusing and berating him, really doing a job on him... His truths are so true it's incredible. We are having to find for ourselves where the truth can be found. If you have any recommendations, Tony, please tell us... ?


- 4 years ago  

I did the "Hey youtube & twitter, kiss my ass" move. So great to see my favorite Scientist here. I have watch/fallowed Tony for years & the facts don't lie! If common sense &/or the ability to see truth has eluded you. Start watch all of his posts. Trust me, it will return to you! It's important, because were going to need each other by the looks of things! Everything happens for a reason right?


- 4 years ago  

I'm here because of Tony.


- 4 years ago  

Where is this video? All that's shown here is the 1:41 excerpt from Youtube. Maybe try Rumble, or Gab, or Bitchute or all 3?


- 4 years ago  

Hi Tony, glad you found a way to get the truth out! One thing I can't find is a "Settings" button to adjust speed, etc. What am I doing wrong? Thank you!


- 4 years ago  

Tony! I have followed you here from Youtube!! thank you for your videos, and if you are ever in Texas (I am a transplant from Wyoming) know that me and my family would be honored to have you over for dinner :D

SWR Germanicus

- 4 years ago  

Mr Heller. Perhaps you would like to read this and comment or have some plausible explanation why they now suddenly wish to adjust historical sea ice data as well? Is this just more data manipulation to support the narrative? "Time series on sea-ice area must be recalculated! After identifying and correcting an error in the processing routine used to calculate sea-ice extent, all time series from 1 May 2018 onwards were recalculated, checked again, and put back online from 11 September. Time series predating 1 May 2018 required no corrections. In contrast, the time series on the ice-covered area (sea-ice area) have unfortunately not yet been recalculated and updated, since doing so requires the calibration and coordination of time series from various satellites, which have not yet been completed. Consequently, we suspended the daily updating of the sea-ice area graphics on 9 September 2020 and will immediately put the product back online as soon as the daily service is available. Our top priority is ensuring the outstanding quality of the products we offer; we apologize that we are temporarily unable to provide new data on the sea-ice area."


- 4 years ago  

Hey Tony, I watched this video on YouTube, and came here for the complete video. What gives?


- 4 years ago  

This is a mirror of the abbreviated video and is NOT on Tony Heller's account. Re-read the title, then read the description. The links go to the real video. This one is just a mirror of what's on YouTube.

Bodhi Bird

- 4 years ago  

Oh,... Snap,.... I've actually been following your Youtube channel for years. <3


- 4 years ago  

I got banned from u tube for stating this fact. The warning on the side of the box says; “. This mask won’t stop transmission of covid 19 “


- 4 years ago  

I love the idea and the effort. Thank you. However, if you want NewTube to succeed in any meaningful way you need a way for people to easily navigate to the channels they have subscribed to. Searching for the channel will not get it done.


- 4 years ago  

First time on this platform thanks to you,


- 4 years ago  

Bitchute and Brand new tube also good video uploaders


- 4 years ago  

Glad to see you here. But I hate to have to learn how to navigate another website.

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 4 years ago  

Many people have had it with youtube aka censortube.


- 4 years ago  

I've been in the naughty corner for several weeks now. In the meantime, YouTube continues to take my monthly Premium fee which I can't cancel because I can't log in.


- 4 years ago  

The leftests kicked me off YouTube. Said I was a bad person. I guess they didn't agree with my political aspirations...


- 4 years ago  

A badge of honour.