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Anthony - NewTube FounderPLUS



Why TELEGRAM Is The Solution to Twitter Tyranny (And Not Gab or Parler)

  - 11:05






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

January 9th 2021  

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Category: Technology & Science



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Exposing The Truth

- 4 years ago  

No Telegram is not the solution! Its run by a Bolshevik Jew ....its just another Mark Zuckerberg shit platform run on the AI Blockchain


- 4 years ago  

I like Gab, but before the Twitter exodus created a turtle slide show. I also piddle on Minds, which is getting hit by app stores too, from what I understand. Telegram, by your admission, bowing to censor iOS users... yeah. Also, I like 2 way conversation, and from what I hear, telegram isn't great at that.


- 4 years ago  

Get the settings cog out from under the volume slider. It can't be accessed where it is.


- 4 years ago  

You Tube is not an example of Free Speech at all. They sensor people all the time based on Ideology, saying it is some other reason..don't be fooled!


- 4 years ago  

I agree


- 4 years ago  

Do they have a web address?


- 4 years ago  

Why no co op with Pavel :)


- 4 years ago  

Gab sucks.


- 4 years ago  

The trouble with Telegram is that you get long long lists of messages to go through, it's difficult to find others on there. It's a real pain! At least Gab and Parler you can get easily to the people you want to see.


- 4 years ago  

Anything the is client-server based has a central point of failure. I appreciate your enthusiasm and time, but the only true solution to 100% secure free speech outside of government control is peer to peer networking. See this video for an example : Basically, what has to be done is the public, not the government, not any private ISP, but "we the people" have to make their own internet based on peer to peer networking in combination with blockchain technology and cryptocurrency to build a worldlier peer to peer internet service. Decentralize everything.


- 4 years ago  

Hmmmm maid so safe that the website is not operating properly. That's a real good advert.


- 4 years ago  

I would like to use this but I think I'm missing something


- 4 years ago  

Telegram is the better solution? Rely upon a rich Russian to do the right thing for free. What could go wrong. Telegram seems to be more of a one way conversation. Twitter, Gab, and Parler all provide a dialog.


- 4 years ago  

Excellent video 😎👍 It's great to see how alternatives always come forth. It will be a fight but the social media/tech platforms think they are beyond reproach, but their arrogance will be their downfall. If I can use an analogy for us to think on. Picture you picking up a handful of wet sand and you begin squeezing your hand. Does the sand stay fit inside your hand? No it does not, the sand begins to ooze through your gaps in your hand. The more you squeeze, the more the sand just flows through your fingers. This is what the corporatists in the tech and Social media as well bad politics left fail to see and understand. Their arrogance will be their downfall. It may not be easy or quick but it will be, for the truth always.... ALWAYS! Wants to come out.🤔


- 4 years ago  

Anthony, what you said early on in your video about Telegram proves that you're wrong about them being a better solution for tech tyranny. You literally admitted in the first three minutes of the video that in order to have their app stay in the app stores, Telegram censors users and channels in accordance with Apple and Google's draconian censorship policies. That's the only reason they've been allowed to stay on the app stores and why they've gotten as big as they have. You may not like how bogged down Gab gets when its servers get flooded with new users, but Gab was not willing to censor people at the request of Apple and Google, and they paid the price they had to pay. Gab is a better long-term investment than Telegram because of this. As for Parler, I've already shown on my channel that they censor Christians, conservatives, and Trump supporters who aren't part of the GOP establishment (just like Twitter does), so I could care less what happens to them. I understand that you really like Telegram as a coder and a software designer, but you've got to be honest with yourself and acknowledge that they censor people. Your site, NewTube, is better than Telegram because you don't censor people like they do, and your site's web traffic had a great month of December because of that. I literally had my tech guy make it so that NewTube videos embed on posts on CreationSocial because of how great your site is. I still believe that if we can convince a lot of big creators to use NewTube, NewTube will become a really big site in a short amount of time.


- 4 years ago  

What is logical is multiple alternatives. Telegram, gab, parler and maybe as time passes others. As people have learned or begun to learn, riding one horse so to speak is not wise. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube have for the moment cornered the market. But their arrogance, averace and moral leftisism has caused the alternatives to be born. Just as Myspace was replaced by Facebook, so to will others rise. Corporatism is the problem, not the free market or the free exchange of ideas and thoughts. As you said others have had to play a bit of footsie to stay easy to find in app stores. It may not be perfect but sometimes one has to bite tongues, let things slide in order to build up your platform and then as you grow you can begin to decouple. Maybe my point is a bit of pie in the sky but it's commonsense based. Facebook did not start in the position it is and neither did Twitter or YouTube. They had to fit, conform and ride the wave as they grew. Their undoing is their leftist mentality and corporatist blindness. Their arrogance is their achlies heel. They are currently emboldened by their arrogance and conceit, but they have all just thrown their masks away. People like all of us get comfortable and as such we choose to be blind, until we are shown what degeneracy, arrogance and conceit is as they are thrown in our face. Then people begin to wake up and push back. Is it easy? No, it's also not fast enough especially in our conditioned impatient times. But pushback will be for those we push back against think and act as if they are god's. But that too is a part of their inevitable downfall. Men acting as gods always in due time fall. The people soon see them as only men and not gods, then pushback and even eliminate if need be. I'll finish by this point. This is why it's imperative that the western world especially refinds God and yes Jesus. No, I'm not trying to be preachy. I was of faith as a kid and young adult. I fell into athiesm and/or agnostics through much of my adult life though. I began being red pilled and seeing how I allowed myself to be duped by my walking away from faith. I put my faith and trust in my own human failings and those of others. This has been our collective mistake oh for atleast the last 50+ years. Obviously we must live in and to some extent put trust in others and ourselves. But faith and understanding in God and Jesus will help us better see snakes from doves and see our own failings.


- 4 years ago  

Good points all!


- 4 years ago  

Good info. Appreciate the proselytizing. To improve, do another but only 3 minutes long. That is much harder than this one, I know, just hit the main points.