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Anthony - NewTube FounderPLUS



My Thoughts On The January 8th Big Tech Purge

  - 6:53






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January 8th 2021  

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Category: Technology & Science



- 4 years ago is good.


- 4 years ago  

Honestly, there wasn't much he could do about it.


- 4 years ago  

Conservatives are losing the patience with these billionaires parasites. Their socialist narrative will be turn on them at the end of a few million assault rifles and their private empires will be turned into public utilities at the expense of their confiscated fortunes.


- 4 years ago  

It's a nice dream, but it won't happen. At this point, conservatives have no platform on which to unite or collaborate. The bright side is that they are building an entire society on a foundation of lies. All of their followers and supporters have a very distorted perception of reality. That society can't last very long, but I suspect it will cause untold misery during its short existence.


- 4 years ago  

I think the pendulum will swing the other way as Democrats make their own mistakes over the next few years. All this banning is doing is shooting themselves in the foot but I'm sure it gives them a rush.


- 4 years ago  

Anthony - I'm interested in investing in NewTube. Pls contact me, thanks.

Anne Clark

- 4 years ago  

Just like ‘liberals and Democrats’, ‘Conservatives and Republicans’ are entirely different philosophies. Trump, being an outsider has been struggling to determine whom he can trust. In addition he has been constantly under assault by our enemies, both foreign and domestic! Initially, He had to use Twitter otherwise his messages would never been seen. Do NOT underestimate him....even now. (Being a former USN radioman, I can assure you there are many alternative forms of communication. They are just foreign to the average this time.) Big shit is going on right now. There may even be a dramatic and sudden emergence of a entirely new political party, Just like under Abe Lincoln.


- 4 years ago  

Amen. The best idea I have heard so far is coming from Bill Whittle from this video - sorry it is on Snobtube. He speaks for what we need to do now that the sh-t has hit the fan, but while we are not yet in camps.

Central Tundish

- 4 years ago  

That battle against Big Tech was lost waay before Trump got in office. He's just the President, he's not a dictator that can shut down companies for political reasons.


- 4 years ago  

Very true. There doesn't seem to be much that anyone can do about Big Tech. Cruz rants and raves against them, but in the end, nothing happens.


- 4 years ago  

Left /right- they are ALL taking us to the same destination: The Mark of the Beast will be the QUANTUM DOT TATTOO delivered with a MICRONEEDLE VACCINE (NOT a hypodermic needle/syringe) and it will use Luciferase enzyme that makes microneedles patch glow under a smart phone app-- it is not about immunity; it is about IDENTITY and TRACKING!!! People who don’t get it will not be able to buy and sell; your financial transactions will be blocked. Take this mark to “get back to normal”, you’ll go to the lake of fire. (Rev. 14:9) Click on the links to see pictures. CLICK ON THE LINKS TO SEE PICTURES OF THIS NEW TECHOLOGY!


- 4 years ago  

The only thing that matters is this:As 1 +1 =2, the MARK on the body from the Covid vaccine, (the Quantum Dot Tattoo coming with the MICRONEEDLE VACCINE as Proof of Vaccination) + the necessity to participate in their system to “buy or sell” good and services (ID Alliance 2020) = Revelation 13:16-18 THE MARK OF THE BEAST, (See also Rev. 14:9) Quote from ID Alliance 2020 from Windowscentral concerning the digital identity (aka Mark of the Beast) stamped/inserted in our body and coming with the vaccine: “Especially since nonparticipants in this system would be unable to buy or sell goods and services.” Compare that last sentence with Revelation 13:16-18 (Bible talks of mark on physical body needed to buy & sell!


- 4 years ago  

Wow. This sounds just like "20/20 hindsight".


- 4 years ago  

interesting thanks, will now go and look at telegram.


- 4 years ago  

I never heard of it, guess I had by head buried in the sand of youtube for 10 years.


- 4 years ago  

Everyone delete your twitters/facebooks and make a Parler. Also we have to protest apple to keep Parler free.


- 4 years ago  

Anthony, you're absolutely correct. Conservative's (most but not all) lack of understanding of social media and communications is something I've been bitching about for years. I'm a conservative and I'm an old fart, but I spent my life in tech. Social media is not the be-all and end-all and the Net isn't the only game in town when it comes to communications.

Doctor Bacon

- 4 years ago  

I warned everyone from the second Trump won the 2016 election that Big Tech was going to do everything in their power to make sure it didn't happen again......And that's exactly what happened.

Nikolina Tesla TV

- 4 years ago  

Brilliant . Thank you .

Nikolina Tesla TV

- 4 years ago  

Not that intelligent. Lol


- 4 years ago  

thats where the Patriots need to take down!


- 4 years ago  

Conservatives are "losing" only because Liberals (currently) own the more popular media (including social). They're in self-destruction mode now, and it may take a while, but eventually they'll die


- 4 years ago  

The real issue is that conservatives have a different mindset than liberals when it comes to social media. The left just wants attention, so social media serves them well in that regard.. an open stage to blather on incoherently hoping that someone strokes their egos by admiring them for it. In contrast, conservatives view communications as "purpose driven". We're not looking for attention, but instead, communications that serves more productive, informative and meaningful purposes. This is why the left owns Hollywood and the showboat "news" media where everyone is a celebrity.


- 4 years ago  

Conservatives are losing because this is all being orchestrated by the money powers. Those people who can print money out of thin air and loan it out for interest. They've used the massive wealth this has generated for them to buy up news outlets, buy influence in the colleges and universities, and yes, even to buy nations. Our nations demise started with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. There are two ways out of this mess. 1) Eliminate the central banks, but this is never going to happen. They have too much power and influence at this point. 2) Let it play out. It's self-destructive and will eventually self destruct. They're going to do massive harm and cause untold misery in the mean time, but they will eventually collapse.


- 4 years ago  

The election circus, Antifa, BLM, etc.. is all a distraction- Regardless of who gets to be President, THE FINAL SOLUTION WILL BE THE SAME. QUANTUM DOT TATTOO delivered along with a MICRONEEDLE VACCINE (NOT a hypodermic needle/syringe) and it will use Luciferase enzyme that makes microneedles patch glow under a smart phone app-- it is not about immunity; it is about IDENTITY and TRACKING!!! You won't be held down and forced that way; people who don’t get it just won’t be able to buy and sell; your financial transactions will be blocked. Take this mark to “get back to normal”, you’ll go to the lake of fire. (Rev. 14:9) The "elites" call it our Digital ID, Immunity Passport, Proof of Vaccination, whatever... The Bible calls it the MARK OF THE BEAST. (Revelation 13:16-17) CLICK ON THE LINKS TO SEE PICTURES OF THIS NEW TECHOLOGY!