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Tony HellerPLUS



Australians Have To Wear Masks While Drinking Beer

  - 1:52

Originally uploaded to by Dylan Behan






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

August 17th 2021  

File Size: 9 MB

Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

So.... people are only to drink though the mask??? f*ck that nonsense!


- 3 years ago  

On the australian department of health website clear as day ingredients of jabs, chimpanzee adenovirus, fetus retinal and kidney cells, gmo's, ethanol, spike protein sequence from wuhan. Fuck this! enough is enough. Please print out heaps of copies and give to people in the street.


- 3 years ago  

The luciferians are laughing themselves in to a fit. This man is like their clown and prince of moronic fools. He is the court jester for them.


- 3 years ago  

Do you remember "Two weeks to flatten the curve" ? One year eight months later..... "we need to extend for two weeks....... This has been bullshit from the beginning. There never was a pandemic. Yeah people got sick, yeah people died, but it was no pandemic. These retards do not know what they are fu*k they are talking about. They are just retards. This retard is WHO? I want to ask him "WHO the fu*k are you? Telling me it is not permitted? He is the virus, and somebody needs to grab him by the balls and tell him that face to face. The people of the world need to eliminate the virus and the virus ain't the Wuhan virus..... These types of people are the virus


- 3 years ago  

Agreed, curfews, lockdowns and 5km BS limits, while he and his Climate Emergency, dimwitted, sidekick, play constant, propaganda in my nearest shopping center, so l won't stay there for long. These are two leftist, idiots who blindly do whatever the WHO website tell them to, are destroying society, while believing that this crap is helping, since the WHO and Bill Gates wants their sicko, Great Reset, to succeed. Only good thing is apart from November next year, is this idiot has been jabbed twice, so he doesn't have that much time left.


- 3 years ago  

Yeah, Tony this is the f...whit we have to endure day by day. He is having a temper tantrum since a group had a cocktail, outdoor crawl, recently. And a day after he realized that our area didn't vote Labor, in the General election, he shut the power off, when he had another tantrum. Half of my giant local shopping centre, had no power for a day, (shopping center runs of two grids) which was fine by me, since l tried a coffee shop, l usually don't go into, and had a great time. This leftist idiot Zombie, (what Nostrodamus calls the jabbed) genially believes that Delta is some killer virus, when it is barely a flu. But being an idiot, will just keep doing stupid things, to make our lives more miserable, this dickhead is well and truly gone, next year.


- 3 years ago  

These government tyrants have no idea what they are unleashing upon themselves. Sooner or later it's going to happen -- cross the line from which there is no safe space from the good people they have royally pissed off.


- 3 years ago  

Call it a muzzle.


- 3 years ago  

Fucking tyrant. Who made him god