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Tony HellerPLUS



Finding The Missing Heat

  - 5:56

The US was very hot prior to 1960. Reality didn't suit NASA's climate agenda, so they made the heat go missing.






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August 27th 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

Is it possible that the large amount of nuclear bomb testing starting in the late 40s through the 70s could have affected the earth's atmosphere in some way to cause the heat loss? Just a thought.


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Low solar, a double dipping La Nina and the North Atlantic Oscillation slowly moving into it's 3 decades-long cool phase will make an absolute joke out of the scientifically ridiculous climate crisis narrative. I am looking forward to watching them go insane trying to explain how the exact opposite of what they predicted is proof that they were right.


- 3 years ago  

I could use a tad of that missing heat. It' fairly cold here where I am. 😊


- 3 years ago  

The problem today is that many people especially in the western world no longer believe in good vs. evil, for doing so one generally has to believe in Satan, Jesus and God Almighty. Satan has been subverting humanity for many decades now in our modern times. Lucifer is unable to be everywhere all the time but he is able to whisper into many ears. He can chip away at subverting humanity and morality. This gets him many useful stooges to help carry his attack against God. This is what is happening especially in most of the once grand western world. Lucifer is the master deceiver. His ability and narcissisim is clear in that he makes sure the truth is available for all humanity to see. He then perverts humanity by using the truth against us. We can see the truth, hear the truth, read the truth, but yet ignore it for we can be easily mislead by Lucifer and his host of demonic minions. We have been so manipulated that we believe we can't be mislead by Lucifer. So many of us just fall in line... Those useful stooges who willfully gave and give themselves to Satan are his biggest tools for we do not readily see they have fallen for anti human, anti God ideology. Our pushback begins with each of us seeing we have been lied to for decades. Many of us gave into Lucifer's whispers and the voices of those he duped. We have each become smug, full of ourselves, ignore true wisdom as if it's a lie and given to each our own deviance, idolatry and social blindness. This pleases Satan. We must wake up. Jesus, God Almighty and the wisdom of the Holy Bible is true. It is us who are ignorant, deviant and even perverted against God. As we are such against God we will be so against our fellow humans. Before any here chime in that I speak only nonsense about a fairy tale God, let me tell you this. As a child and teen I had certain faith in Jesus and God Almighty. But by my 20's I turned my back on Jesus and faith. I did not see how Satan began his work of deception upon me. I began living to the demons and stooges of the modern liberal world. I became a lover of self, deviant to God and a verbal spreader of Luciferian lies. Of course I did not see this as so at the time. But for the next 20-25 years I lived an athiest or at times agnostic life. My red pilling came about oh 7-8 years ago and that my desire to refind faith in Jesus and God all Mighty. It's been an interesting journey for the effects of Satanic western liberalism is not so easy to fight, but fight it I must and each of us must do. So before anyone here attacks me for my post, understand that say 10 years ago I would have mocked my words here. I know exactly what the athiest living in especially the western world would say. So any attack on me here is a waste of time, for I already know what is in your mind. We begin to fix our world and notably the western world by spiting Satan, his demons and useful human stooges as we refind our way back to God.🙏


- 3 years ago  

My grandparents' house got completely flooded during the 1953 flood in the Netherlands and they were warned just in time or they would have died. My father was 1 year old. They found refuge in a monastery on top of a hill. We don't get to hear stories like that anymore...


- 3 years ago  

We are clearly in the clutches of flagrant liars and megalomaniac thieves and tyrants who control the present to twist history in order to control the future. May GOD help us....


- 3 years ago  

I thought NASA was in charge of space travel -- not earthling data manipulation.


- 3 years ago  

Manipulating data became much more profitable for NASA than the space thing. All of these agencies must pander to the political whims of Washington or get their funding cut.


- 3 years ago  

Climate change versus climate reality. I don't think we have enough rubber rooms for these delusional assholes. They obviously don't live on the same planet that most of us do. They have different pasts, too. And way different futures. Maybe they never have lived here with the rest of us. Why does lying pay so very well? Why is truth punished? Arguing with a drunk is easier.


- 3 years ago  

The problem is society has been putting up with these retards and there scams for far to long. Once apon a time there would have been consequences (like being tared and feathered and run out of town). Now we just let them spew their garbage and many lap it up like cool-aid. Why? Because they are retards. We do need a population reduction, but the reduction we need is of bureaucrats and politicians and retards. Then we might have a world which functions like normal. I am hate lairs, and am really tired of it all. What to do? We do have Tony to point out their bullshit. He is not the only one, but he is the best from what I have seen


- 3 years ago