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Tony HellerPLUS



Experts Say Masks Prevent The Spread Of Viruses

  - 0:45

Originally uploaded to by Julie Minds (Zone 24) @snoopyh42 @SwainForSenate I’m case you’re a visual learner






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

August 3rd 2021  

File Size: 8 MB

Category: Politics



- 3 years ago  

there is no such thing as a pathogenic virus see Stefan Lanka's work to out virology


- 3 years ago  

You cannot wear a mask over your nose and mouth for hours on end without some potential problems. It doesn't even particularly matter whether or not they're effective although they sure don't seem to be. To reach herd immunity you must expose the herd. The vaccines are damaging to the walls of your arteries and do not stop the spread. And then there is the whole issue of LIBERTY and being able to make your own health decisions. If I don't have it you Goddmaned sonsofbitches I cannot give it you! So PROVE I'm a danger before you cover my face because assuming I am a threat is immoral and illegal and violates my rights. If you want to see a real threat, just keep it up.


- 3 years ago  

one simple truth is all you need, There is no such thing as a pathogenic virus!

Roald J. Larsen

- 3 years ago  

The point of using masks is to stop droplets, i.e. spit, which, coincidentally of course is where most of, if not all of the viruses potentially are. Viruses depends on bodily fluids (moist), it stick to it. For viruses to become airborn and independent of droplets is for saliva to fall on a surface, then dry up before it finally is brushed or blown up into the air. The point of the mask is to stop droplets, potentially droplets of viruses.


- 3 years ago  

Just think of all the people that didn't have to die if just one out of the 7 billion people that live on this planet would have just figured out at any time in the past 100+ years that we could have stopped the transmission of virus by simply wearing a mask


- 3 years ago  

one simple truth is all you need, There is no such thing as a pathogenic virus!

My Brighteon Channel

- 3 years ago  

I suggest all Corona Karens and especially politicians use large plastic bags secured over their head and taped around the neck area. The "pandemic" would end shortly thereafter. 🤔


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Not a vaccine. The shots they are giving are not a vaccine. But they act as if it is with anyone vaccinated who gets sick is a breakout case. But the shots do not directly make antibodies which attack the covid. So a vaccinated person can and does get infected because they virus only takes a few hours to build up a viral load which makes a person very infectious. It takes a longer time for the body to react, anywhere from 8 to 72 hours to respond to the virus and start making antibodies. And more time to overcome and kill all the virus in the body. So the consequence is that the shots have no discernible impact on preventing the spread of the virus. It does reduce the number being hospitalized. It would be interesting to test this hypothesis by comparing two states infection curves, one with low vaccination rate and one with high vaccination rate. As it is now, they are already blaming the unvaccinated for the rise of the delta strain infections. They will never admit the shots are not a vaccine and cannot prevent covid infections.


- 3 years ago  

one simple truth is all you need, There is no such thing as a pathogenic virus!


- 3 years ago  

All the moron lies about PCR testing, the invalid "vaccines" improperly called vaccines, the crazy restrictions, the fantasy and computerized "Covid19" "variants", has led to less understanding of the human nature. How can so many inhabitants be so insanely stupid, that they can't smell the rotten lies in this political invented crisis? It's a mystery, that the people with some of the lowest confidence ratings in the world, is the "experts" to tell you how to live. They are called politicians by name, but they are playing another game than you think and the game is evil and devilish...


- 3 years ago  

To answer your question "How can so many inhabitants be so insanely stupid", well.... can you say retarded?


- 3 years ago  

one simple truth is all you need, There is no such thing as a pathogenic virus!


- 3 years ago  

What virus? Where?


- 3 years ago  

indeeedy no such thing!