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Tony HellerPLUS



Mask Virtue Signaling

  - 1:49

Originally uploaded to by The Epigenetic Whisperer aka 🌎’s #1 Anti-Vaxxer This has to be the best satire on mask wearing I have ever seen. She’s hilarious & spot on!






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

December 3rd 2020  

File Size: 6 MB

Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

Love her.


- 4 years ago  

too choppy to watch-- why do people do this


- 4 years ago  

You may as well throw sand at a chanlink fence!


- 4 years ago  

She must be the next President! The most amazing dissertation on The DEMOCRATIC PARTY this CENTURY or Stalin... I can’t remember which since BIDEN and I were put on the same MEDS...


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

Excellent commentary! She's sarcastic and funny like you Tony.


- 4 years ago  

I'm so sick of the virtue signaling that is on. It's rediculous. They don't seem to like it when you use science to put them in their place. Great video


- 4 years ago  

The CDC posted a website in May of this year in which they reported the results of evaluating all of the RCT research from 1946 till July 27, 2018 on the effectiveness of face masks to prevent flu transmission. This was the URL of the website: but they took it down after the 7th of December because too many people were using it to cite what the CDC proved: MASKS DO NOT WORK. In their own words: "<b>Face Masks</b> In our systematic review, we identified 10 RCTs that reported estimates of the effectiveness of face masks in reducing laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections in the community from literature published during 1946–July 27, 2018. In pooled analysis, we found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks " The flu virus is the same size as the coronavirus and masks will effect both in a similar manner. ******************************************** Fortunately, the Wayback Machine (Internet Archive) captured the page for posterity, which proves that the CDC is more interested in controlling the dialog than promoting the truth. Here is the link to the Wayback Machine's archive on the CDC's posting. ******************************************


- 4 years ago  

Thanks for the information and for your time to do the research!


- 4 years ago  

Very tongue in cheek, I enjoyed her comments, she was spot on.


- 4 years ago  

That was very good. She really hit the nail on the head.


- 4 years ago  

Great job!


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

All my life I knew people were stupid , now I have clear evidence ..


- 4 years ago  

Fun fact ; The warning on the side of the box says ; “ This mask won’t stop transmission of covid 19 “


- 4 years ago  

Beautiful sexy and so awesome I would definitely date her wear do I find such a person


- 4 years ago  

*, *, *where *?


- 4 years ago  

LOLOL. Toooo funny !!! Thanks for the laffer, Tony.


- 4 years ago  

being virtuous is doing what your television set tells you to do

The Truth Guy

- 4 years ago  

I wish my job would force everyone to watch this video.

Truth hurts

- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

If you don't wear your mask you're going to KILL MY MOM !!!! Good lessons for the young. Oh boy.... sigh... peace all


- 4 years ago  

Looks like WhatsHerFace is the original source...


- 4 years ago  

An interesting note: The CDC website published in early May which showed the results of a review of all literature from 1946 through March of 2020 has been deleted. That is the link Tony has on his website. The results of the study on that link was, using the ten best RCT's, that masks do not work in preventing the spread of virons. It does not protect the wearer nor those in the vicinity of the wearer. Since the CDC published that study they have not published any other peer reviewed RCT studies which nullify their previous conclusions. At about the same time Dr Fauci gave an interview with 60 minutes in which another Dr asked him about masks. Fauci was very specific: masks do not work. About a month later Fauci stated the exact opposite and the CDC posted a webpage extolling the virtues of the mask without any supporting scientific evidence, like in their first report. The head of the CDC testified before Congress and during his testimony he waved a cloth mask around and said "This is better than a vaccine". *facepalm* <P> Now, I can no longer point to that CDC website and state the obvious: that the CDC knows as well as I do that masks, especially cloth masks, to NOT work to contain any virus. The various "New Cases" graphs that have the mask mandate dates marked on them make that point equally clear. I suspect that the temperature data from 1999 and before will be removed from the website so that Tony can't link to it any more. The Marxists have been emboldened by their recent successes in stuffing the ballot boxes in swing states. IF Biden and Harris are given the oath of office expect their first acts to be a crippling of the US: 1) EO to block production of all fossil fuels, 2) begin dismantling the 2nd A, 3) Stuff SCOTUS, 4) Fire all top ranking military officers and replace them with Marxist stooges, and more. Much more. Remember, they are dedicated Marxists and their goal is to replace our BofR with their Manifesto. Like China, they'll give lip service to freedom but their actions will be the exact opposite.


- 4 years ago  

A little google-work got me to this answer: it doesn't work in FireFox, but it works in Chrome. There is though an alternate URL structure that works in FireFox. Add -origin, like so: As Chrome is biggest, I don't think intent is to "dissapear" it. Something internet/computey tech about it is bad though.

Glenn Howden

- 4 years ago  

I wish I could post this on facebook, but it's owner and many people I know approve of voter fraud and voted for a gangsters. I kinda need facebook to keep track of friends and family that are scattered around the world. Should I go all the way and get kicked off of facebook??? Maybe I should seeings how I am already on Antifa's and AOC's list of people to be sent to a re-education camp because I am a Trump donor. What have I got to lose except the most important people in my life.


- 4 years ago  

Thumbs up to you Glenn


- 4 years ago  

Take care of your family, sanity and the truth, please.


- 4 years ago  

Too perfect for words

Clive Horridge

- 4 years ago  

Brightened my day Tony, thank you 🇷🇴🇬🇧👍🏻🤣


- 4 years ago  

Faith Restored!!!! Brilliant Young Lady!


- 4 years ago  

Clone her now!


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

You know it's a deadly epidemic when you can dispose of the only shield between you and a harrowing and inevitable demise by throwing it in the public rubbish collection!! Or on the street, out the window etc, etc. Meanwhile, in NSW, our govt is so delighted with the introduced tracking, that they recommend that all school leavers be invasively tracked for five years.

Hugh Bettcher-Asche

- 4 years ago  

I hadn't heard about the "tracking" in NSW. I lived in Australia, and loved it, for many years. It's sad to think that Australians are just rolling over for this. Giving up your guns was a mistake, you're going to wish you hadn't.


- 4 years ago  

My lord. The putrid, brazenly obvious 'politically correct' sputum is hard to even watch just to study and learn. Remember, 'political' has the same word root as 'polite'. Political c correctness is mandated politeness. And within this Orwellian communites rules 'being polite' means indulging anyone's wishes, 'correct' or not. This personifies the utterly hopeless, brain-dead scripts these pod people have become.


- 4 years ago  

Google is such a great place to do your research!!. Hey!!!... How many brain-dead brainwashed followers do we truly have following Mr Heller!!?... I pretty sure he had nearly 3k new one's yesterday!!. How many was there today!??


- 4 years ago  

Wrong, it had topped 7,000 yesterday because I noticed it. I like Tony's climate videos but not sure about the Covid stuff. Wearing a mask is not living in a dictatorship. Anyone thinking that is a sissy. I suggest Tony make a point of getting Covid- go visit someone with it- then tell us about it.


- 4 years ago  

DEEPTHROATBOY666 is at it again! Not to worry everyone it’s Dr Mann posing as a smart person! If you want to know his real ID just Google “Podesta artworks”. He is the little boy in the cage....


- 4 years ago  

freedom_of_speech covid really isn't that bad, it felt like the flu and kept me out of work for a month.


- 4 years ago  

Since you are so enlightened, give me THE value of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity. Do your research now and get the right number.

constantinos schinas

- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

saw this a few months back - superb sarcasm


- 4 years ago  

Prior to this debacle, if you covered your face you were immediately stopped and challenged by police. Now if you "DON'T" cover your face, you are immediately stopped and challenged by the police(but this time with force). I see sleepy joe has asked all you law abiding Americans to commit to wearing a mask for the first 100 days of his fraudulent presidency. The man is a threat to normality.


- 4 years ago  

"It's funny cause it's true." Homer Simpson circa 2002


- 4 years ago  

oh my


- 4 years ago  

That was hysterical!


- 4 years ago  

Some useful bastards out there will still be virtue signalling as they're getting carted off to the gulag.


- 4 years ago  

Those socially awkward kids actually voted for a living corpse to be POTUS.


- 4 years ago  

They actually voted for Kamala Harris, a hardcore Marxist, to be POTUS, since the living corpse is too feeble to do the job.

He he he, but also groan — because it's true...


- 4 years ago  

"Shallow, insignificant gestures are a much easier way to showcase my morality than actually being moral." <-- Perfect!


- 4 years ago  

Do you know why liberals stockpile toilet paper? Because they're full of crap.

Tom Noyb

- 4 years ago  

Can't buy or sell without a mask will soon turn into, "Can't buy or sell without a vaccine." Bible-readers know what comes after that. It's OK to flip to the end if you're not a regular Bible-reader. It's a long book and maybe you just want the ending?


- 4 years ago  

This kind of satire is usuable to send to friends and family, who doesn't understand all the issues we have, about this insanity hoax. Another way to communicate, when your recipient looks like a question mark, when you talk about the erasure our history, freedom, lockdowns, Clown Masks 🎭 etc.


- 4 years ago  

*Usable - of course


- 4 years ago  

What drugs do you take man!!?

Peter Clark

- 4 years ago  

Those socially-awkward kids are now the adults driving political correctness, virtue-signalling, de-platforming, etc. They're already here. They just voted for Biden. Apparently even being dead doesn't erase the personal memories of slavery, the many empire tragedies, etc. Communism's excesses occurred because they too grew up in that nether world. They just 'fake news' it. It will be so much better this time around. IOW History is a circle, they think we're in the rinse cycle now. However the core elements of being a human haven't changed for tens of thousands of years. Only the technology can.


- 4 years ago  

That might be funny, if it wasn't so true.


- 4 years ago  

Brilliant satire.


- 4 years ago  

Thought this was very interesting it is listed as a sci-fi but that is not why it was posted


- 4 years ago  

Thank you Tony I needed a little humor as there isn't much anymore!


- 4 years ago  

Another funny way to get through insanity 🤗


- 4 years ago  

MADE MY DAY!!! I'm going to play this everywhere I go. I'm plugging it into a loudspeaker and putting it on the roof of my car. Can't wait to go to Walmart with this playing in my pocket.

Hugh Bettcher-Asche

- 4 years ago  

This is "whatsherface" on youtube. Her videos are pretty good.


- 4 years ago  

Meeee toooo!


- 4 years ago  

I went to my bank. They screamed at me to put on a mask. I said "That's odd. In the old days you screamed when I entered a bank wearing a mask." They didn't laugh. No sense of humour, some people.


- 4 years ago  

Satire in the real world 😆


- 4 years ago  

I went to my bank. They screamed at me to put on a mask. I said "That's odd. In the old days you screamed when I entered a bank wearing a mask." They didn't laugh. No sense of human, some people.


- 4 years ago  

I like this version better. ; )


- 4 years ago  

“We’re in the middle of a pandemic. Please pay me to stay home!”


- 4 years ago  

Who is going to pay you? The Government? The fucking government does not have any money.... They steal it from me.


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

In line at the grocery store yesterday and a woman pointed to her mask to remind me that I had forgotten mine. I looked her straight in the eyes and said: "I call it the 'mask of the beast' so don't start with me." She weakly mumbled, "But it's a bad virus." When a doctor diagnoses me with a contagious disease, I'll wear a mask in public (if I go in public). Until then, kiss my ass.


- 4 years ago  

If these people are so compassionate about saving lives with their mask, why don’t they carry extra ones for the poor souls who don’t have them instead of attacking them? We’re in this together, people!


- 4 years ago  

G_JACKSON.... No we are not in this together. This is a hoax and if you believe it well I guess you are in together with somebody


- 4 years ago  

Bandit6 G Jackson was being a bit sarcastic.


- 4 years ago  

You a big man!!. Man!!!


- 4 years ago  

Thank you!!


- 4 years ago  

Impersonation of a true Gruber. Love Her!


- 4 years ago  

Well done! Excellent satire!


- 4 years ago  

Could I interest you in being the mother of my children?


- 4 years ago  

Only if you wear a Clown Mask 🎭