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Tony HellerPLUS



WHO March 26, 2020 - Don't Wear A Mask

  - 2:17

Originally uploaded to by World Health Organization Western Pacific If you do not have any respiratory symptoms, such as fever, cough, or runny nose, you do not need to wear a medical mask. When used alone, masks can give you a false feeling of protection and can even be a source of infection when not used correctly. ➡️






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

February 22nd 2021  

File Size: 12 MB

Category: Politics



- 4 years ago  

Nobody I've ever seen follows the instructions that she put forth. Based on that, I would say that more people have gotten the virus from misuse of masks than people who never wear masks. In other words mask wearing spreads the virus.


- 4 years ago  

In other words that's the masks fault right!!?... 🤔


- 4 years ago  

Is this instruction still valid?


- 4 years ago  

I have followed this original unpoliticized guidance all along.


- 4 years ago  

several THOUSAND years ago, long before Islam existed, the Arabian people noted that slaves who were forced to wear "masks" became docile and more compliant. THAT is, when Islam started, they forced the women to wear those damnable face coverings. Thus, in my opinion, the practice of being forced to wear a mask is a very bad thing, as it DOES cause the wearers to become docile and obedient. I do not wear a mask (except when I visit my local VA hospital (about every six weeks)). And I suggest that NO ONE SHOULD NEVER WEAR A MASK. I have two arguments when people complain: 1: I claim I have a medical condition that forbids me from wearing a mask, and 2: Being forced to wear a mask violates my NINTH AMENDMENT RIGHTS. Since most people do not know what the ninth amendment says, they generally look confused, but I already "got them".

No Apologies

- 4 years ago  

Masks are a lie and I will never perpetuate that lie any further by wearing one...EVER...go shove them up Dr. F's ass


- 4 years ago  

"Leave the masks to the medical professionals" when masks are scarce but wear three of them now that we have warehouses filled with them. So not only are we not as important to protect as the people making the recommendations, but we should be happy to keep them from having to sit on any PPE until it expires and has to be discarded.


- 4 years ago  

For all of you superstitious believers in viruses, PROVE THAT THEY EXIST.


- 4 years ago  

Viruses exist. Are you crazy?


- 4 years ago  

Only if you prove that the three people who signed this paper, blog, article, scientific study, or statement!! or whatever else you want to call it that he posted on his own personal web page!!. Aren't just crazy crackheads!!! 😝... Good place to go if you want to buy some supplements & books though I spose!!! 😝 ... ... ...


- 4 years ago  

@Not_a_COVIDIOT - I am in the same frame of mind as you. I am doubting that viruses exist in the way that we are taught to think they do. My reasoning is as follows: medical science has shown that viruses are the same size as exosomes. Exosomes are cell excretions that contain genetic material, proteins, and lipids. That's also exactly what "viruses" contain. According to the latest science viruses "hijack" exosomes ( except that we find that viruses are the identical size and composition as exosomes, and in any case, VIRUSES ARE DEAD. That's right, they are not living things. They are not parasites. So what are they? They are simply information carriers - telling cells to excrete more of the material that has just been excreted - which is what an exosome does! So you have to have material in your cell to excrete, before you can excrete it - and if that excretion triggers your body's other excretion mechanisms - sweating, sinus congestion (along with headache), fever - all the classic signs of a flu or covid - then it simply shows that you were sick to start with, and the "virus" has triggered your immune response to excrete the toxins. But that's what an exosome does. So do viruses actually exist? My answer is no.


- 4 years ago  

I couldn’t care less if someone wants to wear a mask but I never will. Mask optional or not allowed are the only restaurants I support and my grocery store(and every other store) gladly brings my items out to my car in the snow and loads them for’s awesome! I’m looking forward to the upcoming dirt track season here in PA where tens of thousands will gather for maskless fun, just like all last year.


- 4 years ago  

The scientists keep telling telling us to believe them no matter how many times they contradict each other or change their opinion. BELIEVE US BELIEVE US


- 4 years ago  

Awesome, Tony! You're a one man wrecking crew to the Tyrants.


- 4 years ago  

Masks can also be used to wrap around latte' glasses, as l saw this week. Masks should be discarded, lol, only if gov, cough up.


- 4 years ago  

If you believe Tony!! Yes, masks do not work!. Even though we know they do!! But just like a disposable dust mask from the local hardware store is meant to keep the dust out, nothing is 100%!!! & I don't think anyone has ever said so!! 🤔. If some expert has, please let me know!. As I've only ever seen Tony's propaganda video's showing what's said on the side of the box!! 😝. What type of masks they were!?? Well we still don't know!!!. Though in combination with other effective measures & using the correct masks, it is proving to work!!... A quote from Tony's written quote which was obviously quoted from the WHO's presentation video. "When used alone, masks can give you a false feeling of protection and can even be a source of infection when not used correctly". What do you think that means!!?. Did you watch the whole video!?? 🤔... Anyway, here is a short presentation by one the world's leading most trusted experts in virology, in the world!!. & He's from, The United States Of America!!!, Dr Rob!! ...


- 4 years ago  

Hey fuck wad! Are you a total imbisule? You are such a fucking Toby. Tony did not produce this video, You fucking WHO did and I know you love them and Fauci! You are both pieces of feces to the literal meaning. Your fucking stupid marxis pussy videos you use as references. You are utterly gutter trash what the fuck your name is. You are such a coward and a punk who has the mind of a moron who thinks he is all that. You have not been paying attention to what the WHO was saying before and what they are saying now. You have not been paying attention to what Fauci said before then what he is saying now. Fucking Fauci is a bureaucrat and does not no shit. You are a fucking useful idiot but I would say you are not so useful. You will be the first to go either way this swings. Think about that retard before you spew your bullshit again


- 4 years ago  

Have you finished wiping your ass, mouth, lips & chin with toilet paper yet!!?... Please be careful not to get a nasty little rash form wiping to much!! As I understand it's been coming out like diarrhoea for months now!! The next thing you'll have to start worrying about will definitely be, the red eye!! As it will certainly will be the next thing coming!. Maybe you could try to be hygienic!! 🤷


- 4 years ago  

Hey Pajama Boy, you are a perfect example of all the crap that has been fed to us. You said masks work and don’t work in the same sentence


- 4 years ago  

The issue is clearly not one of if the mask work, if purely about whether wearing one is a practical behaviour everyone can achieve in every day life. I'd bet most are simply not doing this, can't remember seeing one person not touching their stupid face nappy, plus they invariably take it off, put it in their pocket or purse or whatever and dutifully put it back on their face. Absurd, absolutely no critical thinking skills. It's stupid advice and everyone with a brain knows it.


- 4 years ago  

Hey flea brain!! You've got about as much comprehension skills as benditover!!! 😝 Has some of his shit seeped in through the nose & infected that little brain!!? 🤔.... There's your answer Lancer!!!


- 4 years ago  

Ah right I get it now, you're one of those.. what're they called? Tro..? Maybe just a twit.


- 4 years ago  

How many CV19 viruses would make a person sick?


- 4 years ago  

There certainly is plenty of them in here hey!!!. So what's one more!! 😝 🤗... Mate you basically answered your own question in your first comment!!!... 🤔


- 4 years ago  

Why are we told told to wear masks when they don’t work?


- 4 years ago  

"Even though we know they don't!!" FIFY


- 4 years ago  

Wow, impressive video of Professor Bob! So, if you wear a mask, and somebody is coughing at you, your mask will ignite and your face will burn like hell. I think I'll pass.


- 4 years ago  

Obviously some people's brains work better then others!! 😝... Hey Jacob!!!


- 4 years ago  



- 4 years ago  

Masks 'work'? Really? Pore size of N95 mask is around 300 nm. SARS-Cov-2 virus is around 65 to 125 nm. The gaps around the mask edges are much, much bigger. Fashion cloth masks are even more useless. How on earth can you say masks work at stopping this 99.7% FULL RECOVERY rate virus?? What's that you say? You're a bed wetting germaphobic hypochondriac? Oh.


- 4 years ago  

Hi Rata. Isn't it amazing how people can miss read or don't understand what was said based on their own personal illusions!!


- 4 years ago  

I see people tugging on their masks with their hands all the time, contaminating their masks with whatever is on their hands.

Otway Ranges Victoria

- 4 years ago  

Victoria Australia is making people wear masks inside shops etc, of you work inside a shop factory etc you are required by law to wear a mask, this will continue after the vaccine rollout

coochie coo

- 4 years ago  

A little gem Tony thank you


- 4 years ago  

The science has spoken


- 4 years ago  

I guess scientists can't change their recommendations as more data comes in that proves their original statements wrong. But then again, there is tony heller.


- 4 years ago  

Obviously they magically got brand new data indicating the opposite of this advice in the last few months (even though there is no such data, because all the relevant data shows masks are ineffective vs the Chinese virus). Stop lying and covering up for evil people.


- 4 years ago  

@Independent Try and read something,, and stop listening to tony's crap.


- 4 years ago  

Are you suggesting the WHO didn't know about viruses and the proper use of masks? But NOW they do and it is the complete opposite of what they said was true before based on what data besides those voices you keep hearing in your head? It's kind of like when all the climatologists were warning of a new ice age back in the 70's then switched to global warming at the end of the 80's and now just call it climate change because warming or cooling is too easy to measure. Whereas "climate change" means anything you want it to. Like masks should only be worn by health professionals or the ill but now everyone should wear one because, well, they said so.


- 4 years ago  

@Mikeyh0 Read the paper first and then respond. The CDC/WHO wanted n95 and surgical masks for hospital workers when we had shortages. You fucking morons that keep the myth going that masks don't help are the problem. Different masks perform differently, none are 100% effective and none are 0% effective. DO you not wear a mask while sanding wood and metal because it is not perfect? As for the 70s and cooling it was a minority of scientists that were saying that and it was based on the amount of pollution and its effects on sunlight reaching the surface. At least try and read real papers from the 70s, papers about what was being said and why, or anything more complicated than a blog or video.


- 4 years ago  

Hey turd boy otherwise known as notmev. The Chinese virus does not exist. it is fake. Nothing you see on youtube is real. Again you give false referances. Try watching this


- 4 years ago  

Maybe you should try reading your paper yourself. It only refers to stopping droplets. CV-19 is an airborne respiratory virus and does not need to ride on droplets. It is an aerosol itself. CDC admitted this in October and Health Canada in January. The droplet narrative was just guesswork or superstition, or just a lie. The data shows clearly that infections and deaths increase after mask mandates. Look at Spain, France, Italy, California, Colorado, Montana and Canadian provinces.


- 4 years ago  

Hasn’t it been drilled into us to believe the science? What cloth mask can prevent a virus from going through or around it, especially if some politician tells me masks work


- 4 years ago  

Of course they can. Believe the science, and when it changes believe the new science and on and on.


- 4 years ago  

Hey billy98!!. "The data shows clearly that infections and deaths increase after mask mandates".... Just curious as to what scientific studies & data you are referring to or using to come to that conclusion!!?... 🤔


- 4 years ago  

@not Tony666 Look up the data charts yourself. They are available from a few different sources. Google to find the mask mandate dates. You will see infections and deaths rise 2 weeks later.


- 4 years ago  

No such data came in. In fact, all the data coming in shows they were right in the first place. The scientists with no backbone changed their minds due to social and political pressure.


- 4 years ago  

Masks have been studied for decades, there is nothing new about them. All the RCT studies say that masks do not work. Period.


- 4 years ago  

@Billy98 OK, there is stupid and then there is moronic: "CV-19 is an airborne respiratory virus and does not need to ride on droplets. It is an aerosol itself." The SARS-COV-2 coronavirus is an aerosol itself. Yah, and the earth is flat.


- 4 years ago  

@AlessioOrlando: "All the RCT studies say that masks do not work." You do understand that mask wearing isn't perfect, that the dumb will still do stupid things that cause transmission? Even Sweden is changing its tune:


- 4 years ago  

@notmev CDC has admitted this but tries to maintain its droplet narrative.


- 4 years ago  

The funded-to-the-tune-of-hundreds-of-millions-of-dollars-a-year WHO doesn't have a clear understanding of the nature of virus and it's transmission? What are they there for?


- 4 years ago  

Billy98, I don't have to mate. I obviously just watch & believe Tony Heller videos! 😝.... Obviously you can't show me that, now can you!!.... 🤔


- 4 years ago  

@Billy98 Trump's appointees squashed any change of CDC revising sars-cov-2 transmissin senarios: The WHO acknowledged this back in July: Let see if Biden stands up to business pushback and allows the CDC to finally admit the science:


- 4 years ago  

Thanks Tony, but I will refer you to the nurse's post from earlier today. Thanks again 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😳👍🐇🌬🇺🇸


- 4 years ago  

Which post was that?


- 4 years ago  

Sorry, I was just kidding. But the nurse post was - by 13threbellion(sp?) The title sad something about bad language nurse, they posted it this morning. But just let me say, I enjoy you and this app so much. It's like a good ol' magazine. Let me say again, this app and the articles you post are most enjoyable. Thank you for what you do. 👍😉🌬🇺🇸🐇(I was born in 63. So you see why I view this as a magazine or newspaper. Thanks again!


- 4 years ago  

I seem to have found it!!. Yes most enjoyable, for a good laugh!!! 😝. 🤔... She definitely found the Dr's secret medicine cabinet long ago didn't she!!


- 4 years ago  

Oops, sorry forgot to post link for all to see her sanity!!! 😝...


- 4 years ago  

If she is saying she was completely wrong in this video, why would you put her forth now as someone to listen to?