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Tony HellerPLUS



Arctic Still Refuses To Melt As Ordered

  - 3:47

Fourteen years ago today I wrote my first article exposing the global warming scam.






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August 15th 2022  

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Category: Politics



- 2 years ago  

that last sentence from Al Gore, interesting. The lies seem to be catching up to these folks. the distortion they create, will not outlast the truth being shown to us


- 2 years ago  

Anyone got a solution to our current predicament? Lots of pointing fingers .......and growling, but no plan ! We share 'information' on this platform no probs , why then are we all crying like toddlers without our parent ! We have some of the smartest people I've come across anywhere ! Real scientists and reaserchers , yet all we do is read ! Alone we are sitting ducks. And yes I am conspiring!


- 2 years ago  

That's the thing with predicaments. A problem has a solution, a predicament has an outcome. You needn't worry about this predicament. The outcome is inevitable, nothing anybody does will change it at this point.


- 2 years ago  

The glowball whiners are squealing loudly about this. Since it was hot in the UK the Arctic melted or some such retardation


- 2 years ago  

Wow what a coincidence. I was just reading a "Fact Checker" website about you and the article you mention in this video was one of the first things they brought up as evidence of your "misinformation." They claimed you didn't know how to interpret climate data and paint you as some kind of bumbling conspiracy guy no one should take seriously. So I told my uncle (who linked me the fact check site) anyone can rig up a "fact check" hit site and asked him why every climate model since the 70s has been completely wrong in its 10-30 year armageddon predictions. He then deferred to my cousin who is a biologist and claimed since she has a degree in this area she is an authority and that climate change is real. Good times!


- 2 years ago  

If I were running a government, I'd offer you any amount of money be my environment and climate minister. Can't think of anyone more qualified.


- 2 years ago  

the 'fact Checker' phenomenon is interesting. I notice how selective they are. Flat Earthers, 9/11 conspiracies, UFOs , fake Moon landing, perpetual motion machines, all get a free reign. But challenge the Holy doctrine of climate catastrophe, and those idiots are out in force. The flak is greatest when you are over the target.


- 2 years ago  

Hate to disappoint you but she will need a lobotomy in order to be fully qualified to be a glowball whiner expert