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"Anyone being investigated by the FBI is not fit to be the President." - Donald Trump

Not one was ever fit to be the President. Worship no human being. Work for Allaha and give him glory. You have already been judged in the Day of Judgement. And worship the one Who created heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs. You cannot serve two masters. The Book of Revelation Chapter Fourteen from the evangelizing gospel here with Me the Allaha of Heaven the Princess the Spirit and the Bride at You had better get busy working now! If you have sinned you will perish FOREVER if you do not void your sins properly. The harvest of the children of the evil one concludes this universe now. - Matthew 13 Those who do not have the Seal of the Kingdom of Heaven the endowment of Me the Holy Spirit are being removed from the earth forever! - One Enoch You were warned WELL AHEAD OF TIME that the Day of Judgement would come even before the Flood of Noah! Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene was born, died, and I resurrected him so that you would be without excuse for your sin. You have been without excuse for your sin for over one thousand years now! Amen.






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August 10th 2022  

Category: News



- 2 years ago  

Thank you for dislikes, satanists! Taking you down for your unforgivable sin of speaking against Me the Spirit and also the unforgivable sin of mocking Maryah Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene publicly is SO MUCH easier for others to come to grips with when they see what you have done and will raise their voices against your wickedness in joy and celebration that your evil deeds are near a permanent end! Hallelujah and amen! All glory to Allaha! Saints, it is within your right to confront those who are sinning before all mankind. When two or more confront those who are sinning before all mankind, this binds their judgment in the Kingdom of Heaven as well. It will not be undone. Allaha is merciful to the merciful, not the wicked servants of abomination nor the blasphemers. There is several sins which are unforgivable; two of these I just detailed. Whoever says lunatic is condemned to hellfire. Whoever batters their father or their mother is condemned to hellfire. Whoever blasphemes Me the Holy Spirit is condemned to hellfire. Whoever hates their brother has killed him. You shall not kill. Do not be disturbed by these nasty satanists which are unforgivable. They are headed to the sea of eternal hellfire dying the final death the recurring death in eternal torment forever. Most of the children of the evil one participated in battering Our Lord Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene, mocking him publicly, and battering Me Father Allaha and Mother of the twelve tribes of Israel - and sadly most of you that were injured, maimed, murdered, tortured by their sorcery and their demons! 100% of all bloodshed is attributed to the Mother of Babylon. Most of you were the unsuspecting of the Mother of Babylon and her/his angels (demons) saying "lunatic" when you reached out to the "medical" community with severe suffering only to be beaten down with hatefulness and called "lunatic". I understand what you are enduring; and so do all of the Children of the Kingdom of Heaven who have been going through this similar scenario. My burden is light. Servitude to the angel of the eternal hellfire pictured here and his demonic carnivorous creatures from below is heavy and unreasonably impossible. He enslaved the whole world. If you do not know it yet, that is also Joe Biden and Ron Maysack. She/he was judged and condemned in the Day of Judgement by Moses who has risen in the judgment of the world to condemn these killers of mankind. I have freed all of the Saints whose sin is not worthy of death from enslavement to these hateful demons. Make the best of it and do not backslide, if you backslide it is much harder to pull you back from it. Sin no more. Watch the video I posted telling you how to get into and stay in active daily repentance. None of this is meant to be punitive - you have to become triune like Us to be rapture ready! You have specific commandments from the Kingdom of Heaven and I need you to do everything in your power to do these things and not delay. The harvest of the children of the evil one concludes this universe and you will perish FOREVER if you do not void your sins properly RIGHT AWAY. Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene comes in his flesh next, and I need you to be ready for the rapture! I realize that some of you thought that the millennial Kingdom was coming to this universe because of the teachings of the false prophet, but flesh and blood does not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. PLEASE HURRY! MANY people are suffering badly because of this evil bastard pictured here! Thank you and We love you!


- 2 years ago  

Woe to those who judge their Maker. You have not been given Judgement to hate your brother. We formed the universe from one blood. When you hate your brother you rude jerks have killed him. Repent of your wickedness in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! His is the only Name that I have given to humanity by which you receive the Covenant of Life. You have been judged in the Day of Judgement. You must revert from sin and repent by performing the righteous works and the good deeds giving glory to Me the Allaha of Heaven. And worship the one Who created the heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs. You cannot serve two masters. I have made it as easy as possible for you to succeed in all of your righteous works and the good deeds. I have come here to raise an Eternal Kingdom that shall stand forever. I have been smashing all of these other kingdoms to pieces, just like I promised. I have a perfect record of Scripture fulfillment because of My great love for mankind. I gave you My only begotten Son who died on the cross for you so that you may come into full submission at his request, he did this FOR YOU! He descended into Sheol below your feet the house of the dead and We resurrected all the Saints from the first covenant. The tombs split open and the glorified bodies of the Saints rose up and were seen walking the streets of Jerusalem, just like Josephus told you they did. I resurrected Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene from the grave on your behalf. This was done so that you would be without excuse for your sin and rise again just like he did and become transformed becoming My Children, Children of the Holy Spirit anew because there are many universes yet to come, this universe here was just the first order of things and not the Life that We have always intended for you. Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene returned to his original form as the Invisible Allaha. We have never been far from you. That is an illusion of the evil one and his demonic angels. You must get busy working now because the harvest of the children of the evil concludes this universe now. Matthew 13. There is no time for you to deliberate. Amen.