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1970 Kent State HOAX REVEALED by Moses who has risen in the Day of Judgment, murderers!

This is Moses' righteous works condemning the killers of mankind in the Day of Judgment! and Moses and Myself and the transliterator of the evangelizing gospel that We called by the Power (Me the Holy Spirit) to provide the critical transliteration of Scripture the evangelizing gospel, Victor Alexander, have been under attack battling the evil one and his demons - demonic carnivorous creatures from below your feet in the underworld of Sheol, Gehenna, and the Netherworld just to bring you this truth and subdue these evil ones. Catch up, manifest the Power and take on the full armour of Allaha that is Me the Holy Spirit, My Testimony here, and live and breathe by the words of Allaha alone as you have always been commanded to keep My commandments. You have work to do rounding up the workers of abomination and blasphemers into My barns for burning. The Gospel of Matthew, Chapter Thirteen. You must perform the righteous works and the good deeds giving glory to Allaha. And worship the one Who created heaven and the earth and the sea and the water springs. You cannot serve two masters. You must become the unvanquishable in order to vanquish the workers of abomination that are unseen, AND THERE ARE MANY! Trump is the Betrayer and he is exterminating the condemned by execution releasing them from the bondage that they were put into. This was not supposed to happen. He is determined to wreak havoc upon this earth and has been doing exactly that playing multiple roles deceiving the entire world as the angel of eternal hellfire. You must act quickly or you will not succeed to Eternal Life and the many universes that are yet to come!






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August 22nd 2022  

Category: News

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