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Full text for Sodom and Gomorrah below in the comments section. Babylon is falling! The Day of Devastation is upon the inhabitants of this world. The Book of Revelation chapters 1-3 of the evangelizing gospel. The ungodly are being removed from the earth. One Enoch. The harvest of the children of the evil one concludes this universe. Matthew 13 from the evangelizing gospel. There's many universes yet to come. The evangelizing gospel. Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Amen and thank you for sharing! Remember Sodom and Gomorrah! Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! HOW TO RECEIVE Me the Holy Spirit and eternal life 🙌 Breetah The Book of Creation The evangelizing gospel Chapters 17 - 20 CRASH! 🚨🚨🚨 What? The US Dollar and the New World Order! 👏👏 🚨🚨🚨 EMERGENCY!






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June 16th 2022  

Category: News

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- 2 years ago  

Breetah 19 1. And there came two angels to Sodom in the evening and Lot's place was at the entrance to Sodom,* and Lot saw them and went out to meet them on the road, and he fell on his face and worshipped them. 2. And he said, "I beg you, my lords, head for the house of your servant and I will accommodate you and wash your feet and tomorrow you can be on your way; and they said, "No, we will stay at the inn."* 3. And Lot insisted that they stay with him,* so they came and entered his house, and he brought them wine* baked bread for them [in the earthen oven,] and they ate.   4. And they had not fallen asleep before the townsmen, the people of Sodom, had already encircled the house, from the young to the old, and all the people of their ilk. 5. And they called out to Lot and told him, "Where are those men who came to you in the night? Bring them out, let us get to know them." 6. And Lot went out the door to them and [those inside] closed the door behind him. 7. And Lot told them, "Do not let it bother you, brethren. 8. "Behold, I have two children that have not known a man, I will let them go out to meet you, and so you can do to them what is proper in your eyes, only do not do anything to these men, because they have entered under the shelter of my abode." 9. And they screamed, "Move aside."* And they said, "You are the one who settled among us and, behold, you dare judge us?* Now, we will treat you worse than them."* And Lot wrestled with the men fiercely and they nearly broke down the door. 10. And the men inside extended their hands and pulled Lot back into the house and they secured the door. 11. And the men outside the house were blinded by the light rays, from the small to the great, and they were no longer able to find the door. 12. And the men said to Lot, "Why did you do this? Your sons-in-law, your daughters and everyone you have in the house -- take them out of this country. 13. "Because we are going to destroy this country, for their outrage has risen before Maryah and Maryah has sent us to destroy them." 14. And Lot went out and spoke with his sons-in-law who had married his daughters, and he told them, "Get up and leave this country, because Maryah will destroy it." But in the eyes of his sons-in-law it seemed like he were humoring them.   15. And as the dawn ascended over the horizon, the angels pressed Lot and told him, "Get up and fetch your wife and your two daughters that you can find, lest they are swallowed up in the sins of the town." 16. Lot finally relented and the angels took him by the hand and his wife by her hand and his two daughters by their hands, because Maryah had spared them, and they got him out and settled him outside of the town. 17. And as they took them out, they said, "Save your soul and do not look back, worrying about not having gotten everything out,* go to the mountains so that you will not perish." 18. And Lot said to them, "I pray, my lords: 19. "Behold, your servant has found mercy in your eyes, and much is the grace that You have shed on me,* to save my soul, but I cannot make it to the mountain,* and if evil should overtake me,* I will surely die, 20. "Behold, this town is near, so let me flee there, behold, it is a small thing, my life will be spared there."* 21. And He told him, "Behold, for your sake,* I will also grant you this favor* that this town you spoke of will not be visited. 22. "Quickly, go out there, because I cannot do anything until you enter it." That is why the name of the town is called Zoar.* 23. The sun rose over the earth and Lot headed for Zoar.   24. And Maryah brought down the fire and brimstone upon Sodom and Gomorrah, from before the presence of Maryah in heaven. 25. And [the fire] lashed out at those cities and all the surrounding areas, and all those who inhabited the land and lived off of the land. 26. And [Lot's] wife turned around, looked behind her and turned into a figure of salt. 27. And in the morning Abraham set off to the land* where he had stood before Maryah. 28. And he gazed upon the face of Sodom and the face of Gomorrah and the face of all the surrounding countryside, and, behold, he saw the smoke rising above the land like the smoke of the fiery pit. 29. And, behold, as Allaha destroyed the cities of wilderness, Allaha recalled Abraham and sent Lot out of the deluge of fire, as He poured down the fire on the towns that Lot had inhabited.   30. So Lot went up from Zoar and settled in the mountains, he together with his two daughters with him, because he felt the suspicion* of the inhabitants there, and thus he settled in the outlying area, he and his two daughters. 31. And the elder said to the younger one, "Behold, our father is getting old and there are no men in the land so that we may go to them, according to the way of the world.* 32. "Come, let us get our father drunk with wine and sleep with him and raise offspring from our father." 33. And they served their father wine in the night until he got drunk, and the elder went in and slept with her father and he did not know of her sleeping with him and her getting up.* 34. And it was on another Day, and the elder said to the younger one, "Behold, I slept in the evening with my father. Let us get him drunk this night also, enter and sleep with him and let us raise offspring from our father." 35. And they got their father drunk that night also, and the young one entered and slept with him, and he did not know of her sleeping with him and her getting up. 36. And both daughters of Lot became pregnant from their father. 37. And the elder gave birth to a son and she named him Moab.* He is the father of the Moabites to this day.* 38. And the younger one, she too gave birth to a son, and she named him Ammon.* He is the father of the Ammonites to this day.**19:1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Sitting at the gate." *19:2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "In the marketplace," or "on the street." *19:3.1 Lit. Ar. expression: "Pressed them well." *19:3.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Refreshments." *19:9.1 Lit. Ar. expression: "Out to one side!" *19:9.2 Lit. Ar. expression: "Judge the judgment." *19:9.3 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Do more evil to you than to them." *19:17 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Rise with all that exists." *19:19.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Great is the mercy You did with me." *19:19.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "I cannot exit to the mountain." *19:19.3 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Evil recalls me." *19:20 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "My soul will live there." *19:21.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "On your faces." *19:21.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Reply." *19:22 Lit. Ar. name: "Oath." *19:27 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Country." *19:30 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "The submission to." *19:31 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "The way of all the earth." *19:33 Lit. Ar. expression: "Her sleeping and her rising." *19:37.1 Lit. Ar. name: "Of my father." *19:37.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "He became the father of the Moabites to these days." *19:38.1 Lit. Ar. name: "Son of my uncle." *19:38.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "He became the father of the Ammonites to these days."