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COVID Madness Part 2

  - 26:00

Craig "the sawman" Sawyer






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

February 23rd 2021  

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- 4 years ago  

My Vaxine is ..,Fuck them.., who push this treason uppon all of US!!!

Pandoras Box

- 4 years ago  

Del Bigtree had a fellow on a short time ago and if a hospital has 160 covid patients, they get yet another $70 thousand per patient. They hospitals get the $12,000 just to diagnose them, then they get yet another $38 to 39 thousands if rushed onto ventilators and yet an additional $70 thousand. Ventilators are a death sentence. That is about $121,000 give or take a thousand, per covid patient. If you just have pneumonia they get a bit over $4,000 per patient. One can be sure each hospital will have over 160 covid patients. Coumo and the other governors who forced old folks homes, to take in sick people also need a lot of jail time. Same with a few other like the UK and one province in Canada. There are a lot of people that need jail time for a very long time. Lawsuits are growing daily., This is the latest update on this one. Reiner Fuellmich With Other German Lawyers Class Action


- 4 years ago  

There is no covid 19, just the common cold/flu weaponized. That makes it worse in my books.

Pandoras Box

- 4 years ago  

China has not even isolated the virus. Add to all the deaths from the vaccines and we have a major mass murder thing going on. I have to thing Genocide of the elderly is a real thing too. I think it have been that way all along, right from the get go. The entire time they coned everyone in believing they are the ones that need to be protected, but in fact they have been systematically killing them. They do need protection, not from covid, but from the mass murderers. I just happen to really like old people. Not one of them deserve to be murdered like they have been. The video is down near the bottom of the post. They cannot diagnosis let alone make a vaccine to protect anyone from a virus that has not been isolated.