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This is when you disrespect weapons and are stupid

  - 2:20

guns are safe..,some peops are retarded!






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

June 27th 2022  

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- 2 years ago  

Completely needless.


- 2 years ago  

This looks staged to me. First of all because of the reaction of the people opening the door and looking in and the total lack of effort to actually force their way into the bathroom to hopefully render first aid. In a real situation, most people would be trying desperately to get into the bathroom. Some of the people looking in seem to simply note someone has been shot supposedly with almost a complete non-reaction until they go to close the door and then suddenly seem to remember to react. Secondly, there is absolutely no blood spatter from the first shot to the head, and then supposedly the girl shoots herself in the head without any kind of forethought whatsoever. Normally, I would say there would be a period of mentally wrestling with what happened and then reacting by shooting oneself because in such a situation a person would initially be in a state of shock.


- 2 years ago  

It's a shame and sad to see...,May God take them under His/Her wings..


- 2 years ago  

Tragic. It looks to me she shot the person in the head and out of frame did she shoot herself? Firearms are not toys, legally bought or more likely in this case illegally attained. That said lawful gun owners in the USA almost always treat guns as serious tools, train themselves and other family members including youth to never just fcuk around with guns... This video gives us reason why. Obtw anti gunners no gun laws would have prevented this stupid but tragic event so spare us your sanctimonious virtue signalling.... Stupidity and disrespectful use of what probably was an illegally attained gun led to this tragedy. That said even though stupidity and disrespectful use of a gun led to this tragedy my heart goes out to all involved.


- 2 years ago  

Don't even know how to respond to this!


- 2 years ago  

I'm pro 2A and that requires a ton of responsibility. If you have firearms in the house then ALL family members must understand their potential and at a certain age learn to handle them safely. Parenting, or lack thereof, is the issue here. I pray for their young souls, that the Lord will Bless them, and I pray that the family recognizes their culpability in this tragic incident that could have, should have been prevented.


- 2 years ago  

Jesus Christ