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Angry Climate Alarmists

  - 2:45

There is no climate change emergency -- just a climate education emergency. Alarmists are fools.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

February 13th 2021  

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Category: Technology & Science


Pandoras Box

- 4 years ago  

I was really hoping the tropical weather would come back so I never had to shovel snow. Gore said all the snow would vanish in a few years. So disappointed he had no clue and lied thorough his teeth.. The damg snow is still there every year. I was really hoping for that tropical weather that was hear years and years ago. Before the last ice age. What a clueless lot. They are always faking something. Like the ozone vanished, be terrified of the sun. That one was just sad. Some fell for it. They still wear their sunscreen like faithful lemmings. Of course they lack Vitamin D big time. They get more depression. Such sad souls they are. I bet they wear masks and line up for the vaccines too. Not the brightest crayons in the box.


- 4 years ago  

Great points. Whenever our families ask why we moved to Florida, I tell them because I want to stay ahead of the next ice age.


- 4 years ago  

For a better idea of just how long this "Climate Change" scam has been ongoing, I am old enough to remember back in the 1970's they all cried "There's a coming ICE AGE!!!" Then when that scam was busted, it morphed in the late 1980's-early 90's into "GLOBAL WARMING!!!" AND when THAT scam was thoroughly discredited, it morphed ever again into "CLIMATE CHANGE!!!" Folks, the earth's climate has been changing for EONS!!! One volcanic eruption puts more greenhouse gases & carbon in the atmosphere ALL AT ONCE, than mankind's industrial age EVER could or has! Let them try banning volcanoes! Better yet, those climate alarmists can go jump into them as a sacrifice to appease their "Climate god(s)"! The late Dr. Michael Crichton wrote a book that was published back in 2004 called "State of Fear". It's online & I highly recommend it. It is heavily footnoted & uses available scientific facts of that time to totally refute the lies of the Left & point to their true intentions!


- 4 years ago  

Boom hoo


- 4 years ago  

Hahahahahah, what a bunch of morons!


- 4 years ago  

see my song growin ice---oldmanvollox


- 4 years ago  

Climate change my arse. A Disgrace to the Profession, a book compiled by Mark Steyn is a must read for anyone who wants an idea of what is really going on.


- 4 years ago  

That's a good book. Mark Steyn is another person that Michael Mann (the creator of the hockey schtick) is suing. I never really got into the science of the global warming junk until I heard about Mann losing his SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) lawsuit against Tim Ball and having to pay Ball's court costs of ~$1,000,000 in Canadian. It shocked me that the creator of the hockey schtick brought the lawsuit and then for almost 10 years refused to show any evidence, the lawsuit is designed to drain the defendant of their money, time and energy, also it intimidates others from speaking out. It's anti freedom of speech, illegal in most of Canada, and a very disgusting thing, but Mann is a very disgusting person. Penn State said Mann's work was good, but Penn State also didn't see a problem with Jerry Sandusky raping young boys for decades. This is a good article about the Ball v Mann case.


- 4 years ago  

Most people who listen to these celebrities don't understand that none of them have any education in the field of climate. But when someone who does have education, even a PhD, doesn't mimic the alarmists, that person is shot down. Sometimes alarmists even use a gun like with John Christy at the University of Alabama at Huntsville, the people who do the satellite temp monitoring since December 1978.


- 4 years ago  

That shooting I guess is what the Left thinks are random acts of coming together, just like the Steve Scalise shooting.