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Point of View



The Great Deception

  - 9:58

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September 8th 2022  

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- 2 years ago  

Great, yet another moronic flat-earther. This guy is the enemy. The flat earth "theory" exists for the sole purpose of giving the establishment the ability to dismiss, without having to contend with their arguments, anyone who doubts the establishment's 'official narrative.' [You or me]: "I think the 2020 election was rigged." [Them]: "Yeah but you also believe the earth is flat so ..." It's a means of lumping the doubters in with the crazies in order to dismiss them without having to address their arguments or concerns. "Point of View" like "Believe It" and "Flat Plane 2020" and a few others here on Newtube, is our enemy.

Point of View

- 2 years ago  

So You Probably Did Not Watch The Video Or Maybe You Did Not Understand It. Calling This Channel The Enemy Is Crazy. You Are Welcome To Unsubscribe.


- 2 years ago  

@Point of View | I watched it, and was enjoying it, ... right up until the flat-earth nonsense started. I'm open minded, I gave the flat-earth folks a chance to make their case, but they were never able to answer the simplest questions. Then I gave them another chance, and they still couldn't answer the simplest questions. Then I gave them yet another chance ... etc. Flat-earth is about one thing and one thing only: Anyone who doubts an 'official story' can be labeled as a flat-earther. Then their arguments can be dismissed without having to address them. So, yes, those who push the flat-earth nonsense are the enemies of the truth movement.


- 2 years ago  

300 million people in America coming together - will never happen - not thru the vatican 'walled; social media platforms - you need to get off your ass and knock on people door and tell them face to face whats going on sleep on with the sheeple into the death camps.


- 2 years ago  

Well, that's a nice rant, now about the Flat Earth, got any good photos of the Edge ? How thick is it ? We have volcanoes you know ?


- 2 years ago  

@Jeff | They have no photos of the edge, and can't provide a single piece of evidence. They can't predict the next eclipse are make a model that isn't ridiculous. The flat-earth nonsense is about one thing: a means of labeling anyone who doubts an 'official story' as a crazy person, so that their arguments can be dismissed without being address. If you doubt the government's version of something, they'll label you a flat-earther, then dismiss any and all evidence you might have. Why should they pay attention to the evidence of a crazy person?


- 2 years ago  

If it was understood that there was a dome above us,it would be easy to grasp how weather is controlled by reflecting harp energy off the dome . In Noah's day they probably understood habitat as a flat earth ,nevertheless God saw fit to destroy all the inhabitants . The withered fig tree shows how quick interpersonal relationships break down when our Father withdraws His influence that excites us to empathy . The ability of Satan to stifle empathy was demonstrated by the people before Pilat with " his blood be upon us ". If Satan was able to achieve that when the Father's influence was not withdrawn what will it be like after it has been withdrawn. Like the unknown rain of pre- flood times this experience will close out this stage of humanity. We are to live as if constantly in the presence of God . In doing that we will emulate Jesus.