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Canada BC Farmers need help Soon Calling on Canadians Link Below

Saerah Bankert was live. · SEPTEMBER 2 2023 WESTWOLD, BRITISH COLUMBIA, FARMERS FACING WATER RESTRICTIONS. THEY ARE SELLING THEIR CATTLE BECAUSE THE CAN'T AFFORD TO FEED THEM. You will have to turn your volume way up to hear it. I had my stereo as high as it could go. The BC government turned their water off. Assholes. They will not even talk to these farmers. The government are control freaks I think. All ideas I am sure they will welcome. They sounded like they are pretty desperate. Waging War On Water Rights and BC Food Security The gov in Ontario tried that when the Liberals were in power. They had a lot of backlash over that one. In BC they have to have a license for water rights. Their crops are not going to survive. They need a convoy or something at the parliament building to get the government to back off. Some angry phone calls. Canadians must protect their farmers. As many of us well know the UN WEF wants to get rid of farmers. They are doing it in the Netherlands and Ireland for sure already, now BC. So if anyone out there can help them Now is the time. How fast could folks from BC get a protest of some sort going. A few years back farmers in Ontario helped the farmers in Alberta with feed. So surely we can find a way to help these guys. Maybe there are some in Alberta that might help them out. I don't know but if you know anyone ask them. Never hurts to ask.






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September 6th 2023  

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