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Johnny and Joe time



Dr Judy A Mikovits says stop Infection by Injection

Worked with Fauci Censorship of simple safe solutions Same play book over and over again. The book Plandemic and Ending Plague and The Plague of Corruption explains curing and preventing cancers. No liability to drug companies. Hydroxy Chloroquine stops Ebola, SARS, Covid and is a Vaccine according to Fauci’s own studies in 1990 to 2000. No more shots, anybody. Ivermectin, Budesynol, Vitamin D/C, Regeneron work 100 percent. The Spike is a synthetic virus. Nosocomial spread XMRV cancers. Cancer Industry delivers deadly drugs rather than natural therapy that has great success. Cancer is injected MMR in every vaccine, HIV relatives, SV40, Never wear a mask, blowtorch on cancer. Every shot for any Virus has Spike (Covid), Cancer, SV40 40th virus, Variances are in the shots, Virus causes Cancers. Every Polio case is from the Vaccine, a different Variant, it is Polio. Infection by Injection. Satan the Government has been Infecting Injecting for Decades. Do Opposite to what Fauci and WHO says. My Body, Not Satan’s. This is Biowarfare, not an experimental injection. They know what the Weapon does and you will know when you take it. Hydrogel Patent in China for Graphene oxide in 2019 Moderna Patent July 2020 Lipid nano particles has Hydrogel that is made of Graphene Oxide Electo conductor For External wireless device communication control Plasma DNA produces new DNA in your body. Speak up now






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August 31st 2021  

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