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Johnny and Joe time



Run for the hills, The Indian Virus (Delta Plus) is killing everyone

Dr Fauci will add a fifth mask when on camera telling us about this most deadly strain BS1 from India, as his Moderna stock climbs, and he gets more dates on his dating site. What a criminal! His Medical experimentation Moderna shot which will never be approved by the FDA kills 1 out of every 100 that take it, sheds and sterilizes 500 for every 100 that take it, kills every baby it comes close to, long term clots everyone to death, Cytokine storm coming in fall we kill all, magnetize our bodies for 5G control. I think the penalty is Death for Dr Fauci for crimes against humanity. I order a citizens arrest on Fauci now and all necessary force will be used against him to cuff him into custody so that evidence can be shown. If a judge anywhere in the world refuses to hear the case then the citizens are hereby ordered to run the trial, proclaim judgement, and execute appropriate punishment. Apparently, judges have refused to hear any evidence from health authorities, and when they have they have been fired for rendering correct decisions. Well, the buck stops here, if any judge refuses, the citizens and peers will act as judges. Case facts against Fauci, Gates, WHO, UN, All government Health Commissions, All mainstream media propaganda, Drosten, Merkel, Trudeau, Ford, ..........






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

May 3rd 2021  

1 Comment


- 3 years ago  

Hahaha the msm think we are all stupid