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Johnny and Joe time



This Level of Evil makes Hitler Blush…Top Secret Intel on War

All top scientists have determined there is NO GLOBAL WARMING Stopping fossil fuels, food production, removing Plants and Trees, spraying heavy metals, banning heaters and stoves and generators and coal will lead to death and depopulation. Carbon is .04 % of atmosphere, used to be much more For those that think that Elections will fix anything, please read this blog: The actual death rate of Real Shots is 25 percent, one in four that got the full real shot, all others severely injured. Not the reported one death in one thousand as stated by Steve Kirsch which I explained how wrong that was. Navy Commander Database Administrator Barry Young has been arrested in solitary no bail for disclosing the truth (1000 percent increase in death) about the shots in the military. His Lawyer is in hiding Liz Gun. The shot contains Silicone which clots you immediately. For those that think the Government will bring the Government to Justice is retarded. The Elected, the Courts, Judges, the Appointed will defend each other till the end. This requires world wide Activists (you know who you are) to take down this Empire of Evil that has been in power for thousands of years.






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December 3rd 2023  

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