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Johnny and Joe time



Let us Recap for anyone that thinks the Government is Not Trying to Kill you Pain is now Good ________________ The Fake Corona test is meant to inflict pain, damage, until you cry. Read the test for yourself. Yet Doctors oath is Inflict no pain, may not help but do not hurt the patient. The Lockdowns inflict as much mental and physical damage as possible. They are proven to not do anything positive and result in so much damage and death I can’t list here. The Masks are a coerced medical procedure that can be deadly and inflict damage every fucking second that it is on. They are forced on all public transportation everywhere, still, and more to come. One of the largest causes of illness during the Spanish Flu was the Mask. They do not block viruses. Closing businesses causing massive lineups and unemployment and is insane and opposite to what one would do to limit “transmission” Cut off all energy sources will cause so much death and that is the goal to help the earth says the World Health Organization, not Human health, just listen carefully to everything they say, it is to kill humans. Every leader says Eliminate the safest least toxic element in the world, Carbon, You. Wake up. In court the health ministers say they don’t consider the negative effects of what they do. All they do is eliminate all Virus, You. All groups working with government are on video saying they are inflicting as much pain on us as they can to keep injections going. The Australian PM stated they have and are lying to us as much as possible (calling it propaganda ie lies). Trudeau said if we stop taking shots he will do something much worse. The Italian court has ruled all shots must stop because it is impossible to have informed consent when the makers and govt tell you the Ingredients are a Military Secret as stated last week by the EU injection ministry. Yet, the courts do not issue Arrest and DEATH WARRANTS YET






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July 20th 2022  

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