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Johnny and Joe time




I am on vacation in the Dominican enjoying a buffet lunch. I go to the Salad bar, there is a light 2 feet above the food, glass to look through, the usual. I lean my hand in with the tongs to grab some salad. As I reach in and touch the salad with the tongs, my hand is now just under the light, a foot away. I feel like a buzzing along my thumb and pointer finger. It got stronger so I pulled back and didn't get salad. So, I just thought it was me, so I leaned in again, a stronger sizzle at my thumb and pointer. I figured I would stop, and maybe ask the girl next to me if she feels this laser when she touches the salad. Then, I thought, not a very good pick up line. How about asking her to get you salad, then I thought if she feels it she may call security, you know, they blame the messenger. I never got salad. That night I speak to my girlfriend who is at home 4000 miles away. She is frantic, she says during the day, I am guessing exactly when I went for salad, her daughter was in a bad car accident and she is in emergency surgery. She says her hand was badly injured, I said, The right hand between the thumb and pointer, she says yes. Being so frantic, she never questioned how I knew which hand which fingers and where exactly it was injured.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

April 30th 2020  

Category: Technology & Science

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