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Johnny and Joe time



Military air space…unknown aircraft…US begins Nuclear Exercises…Hot?…heading Towards Europe

  - 0:47

Dr F Boyle sees US at stage 17 in the Ladder to Global Nuclear war. My comments _____________ We saw the NATO troops heading to Ukraine 6 months prior to Russia invading Ukraine. Both sides are puffing their war chests now Ordinarily, I would say that nothing will happen. But, it is clear the US Globalist New World Order as stated by Biden, is without the people of the US, provoking this conflict. There are 4 primary reasons for this at this time: Stop the elections in the US in 22 days. Begin Elites directed depopulation of the world, they have nothing to lose Binary weapon to the injections causing unlimited heart attacks to all those that took the shots and have weakened hearts. Hide all the crimes against humanity by killing humanity, their goal. I will say that there will be some bombs dropped in Russia and the US. US has forces in the Ukraine running the 200 billion in weapons Biden has shipped. Trainloads of Tanks seen in Germany heading to Ukraine today. Worse than Cuban Crisis. This is all an agenda of death: Fake Virus Fear, Deadly health care, No health care, Mandate death shots, close down food, Starvation, War. I strongly suggest Newtube to stop the censorship of me. My purpose is to save lives. Your censorship kills people.






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October 17th 2022  

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