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Johnny and Joe time



Watch the Most important movie in History And realize Trudeau just sent Bill gates 1 billion for a vaccine to a virus that is impossible to vaccinate against as it is a common cold and it mutates every year. No vaccine has ever been made for any respiratory illness, this is well known to all doctors. Billy is adding unlimited steroids, sterilizes, adjuvants, human fetal stem cells, lead, Mercury, embalming fluid and a secret modification to your DNA, into this vaccine against supposed Covid-19. Supposed Covid19 which is now gone as flu season is over and it's now too hot out for any virus to survive, which killed 0 healthy people, and may have affected .01 percent of the people that are about to die with several morbidity issues during flu season. Bill has said many times he wants carbon units to go to 0, that's you. Trudeau has said the same about carbon. Of course the more carbon you take away the more plants die, the more we die, but they know that. This is a death cult and they are going to ram it down your veins. And let's lock everyone down while they pretend to flatten a non existent curve and pretend there is a second non existent wave while bankrupting the world and killing 150 million people per year from so many things caused directly by the lockdown.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

May 13th 2020  

Category: Health And Wellness

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