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Johnny and Joe time



Ho ho ho it’s magic…we proved we live in a Simulation…Nobel prize Science for the smart ones The Magic and how the experts attempt to explain it In a nutshell after you watch this and it is a real experiment done for hundreds of years with the same results, you are asked to accept a theory that somehow the detector machinery goes back in time or to some far off place to fix the “Glitch” in the simulation. they always remove the possibility of a god or some sort of life force and stick with physical science principles we know about. The Answer: The magic of it being fixed just by placing a detector on the other side is magic to us the observer because we see so little through our eyes and senses. There is universes of “more” out there that we know nothing of because we live within the constrains of this physically limited assigned matrix. So to answer and explain this “magic” becomes very simple. There is no magic, you just don’t see it, them, they, the force, god, the entity’s that exist and control every single fucking thing each and every consciousness perceives. If for a strange reason we venture beyond the designed matrix and constraints, the Entities STOP it by Stopping the conscious corroborated PROOF of the matrix and proof of the flaw in the matrix to any of us, us being all our Consciousness, our souls, our life forces. In other words, this experiment is at such a detailed level it actually touches the edges of the matrix and actually Proves beyond a doubt the impossible glitch and therefore proves this is some sort of controlled intelligent simulation we all live in because the laws of physics are BROKEN. “They” stop this Proof by fixing the glitch when you put up the proving Detector. We have isolated a major flaw in this giant matrix they built for us all and they desperately are trying to cover it up the only way they can, but it is not working well because I KNOW EXACTLY how they operate, and now you do too!






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November 5th 2023  

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