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Johnny and Joe time



How do we end this

This is a very difficult question. Banning PCR completely and only dealing with infected people is a start. Stopping media fear campaigns is important. Stopping Injections Someone in the world explaining that any infectious thing spreads through entire populations in a month or two therefore anyone that would be affected has already been affected and you can move on and not worry about anything you hear on the media. It came and it went and you are OK. You can’t stop it anyways. It’s called a Flu season. This is an organized communist takeover, halting and modifying elections. Permanent Emergencies taking away our natural rights, Governments have no rights, people have natural rights. DANGER means clear and present ———————————————- It is not an imminent emergency or danger that someone can get a bad cold or flu such that we take away everybody’s rights. They say you can deny entry into a store if you pose a danger to health. That is an actual Imminent danger, not a healthy person that may test positive with no symptoms and pass on no symptoms to others. All words have been twisted and misunderstood as to what Dangerous means. This has been planned out for decades and Wargamed. It is chilling to hear a Prime Minister or Health Minister say “It’s safe and effective and inject it into pregnant people” as an answer to why there is evidence showing that 100s of babies are stillborn after mother was injected. The actual Vaccine in testing by Novovax may be safe and a bit effective and may get approval, but so is having extra Zinc in your diet and eating some Capers every day. Yes, capers open up cells to accept zinc better than Ivermectin, Chloroquine, Quercetin, Tonic, Vaccines. Put some in your salad and stop all this bullshit. Google has banned capers from the list of Quercetin foods lol. Type Capers and it says it’s the single greatest source of Q.






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December 18th 2021  

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