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Johnny and Joe time



The Plan explained

Those that do a trade for a living, the Pawns, think 1 dimensionally, those that run business must think out plans, these plans vary all the time and many moves result in goals acheived. Q, x22,... describes plans, but plans are action and reaction. No plan is fixed, it is an ongoing game till the next plan, never ending. One cant say the goal is trump is president, that is only a move, an action, a reaction. One can anticipate the use of pawns in war, for example, the left has a pawn called the narrative, the media, it is not a physical reality but a mental state to put upon the other side. A current narrative is now that covid is under control, tests produce less positives. This is not reality, it is the narrative. The left is reducing restrictions, opening up, improving economy having removed Trump. This was predictable and the left must remove any power of trump via impeachment. If they dont, covid will be increased. Q would say Trump had to step off to remove the covid message by removing himself. Trumps largest move was the economy, the lefts largest narrative was covid to stop the economy Trump card.. These two actions reactions will play out all through the plan to diminishing results until the next major narrative. This leads to many more moves, this is never ending. Business I operate is never ending, The markets I trade in react immediately to every trade I make, I must anticipate before, after, and understand my enemy, in that way I win all the time but there is a cost to every victory, mentally and emotionally, nothing is free or easy. For what its worth, it appears that Trump was used as a globalist tool, from the view high above, Trump ushered in the Red Flag which has secretly flagged you a Terrorist When you completely understand your enemy, you will love them. Charity is a reward to the loser And the winner. I think there is a bible verse on that.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

January 24th 2021  



- 4 years ago  

Everything always takes longer then you think! 😉


- 4 years ago  

So you think people in the trades don't have to plan? Ever wire a house? Ever built a house? Ever put plumbing in a house? And not all business owners know what they are doing. That's why they go out of business. And ever heard of a general contractor? Pretty arrogant and condescending thing to say.