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Johnny and Joe time



17000 FDA Employees told If you are vaccinated you’re Fired, Don't SHED on me!

Pfizer page 67 to 69 The book of Genocide in this link: The vaccine sheds to pregnant women by touch or inhalation. The first death of a vaccinated man showed Spike prion proteins in every organ that caused a massive heart attack after getting a virus from the person next to him that initiated the body attacking itself as programmed by the mRNA. God save those that have been jabbed. Employment officers for critical businesses are preparing to replace all vaccinated personnel. Can they replace my relatives? How the Centner Academy Became a Beacon for Anti-Vaxxers - The New York Times 4 days ago — Centner Academy's elementary school campus in Miami. ... Leila Centner, the school's co-founder, who says she is not against fully tested vaccines. The Covid Passport is a Failport Reports of babies dead after being in contact with jabbed people. Reports of women of all ages menstruating. Reports of women bleeding out of eyes. Reports of transmission from jabbed to asymptomatic males to females who then menstruate or abort babies. North of Toronto: Police charged with assault forcing young boy to wear mask, kneeing him onto ground while in a park minding his own business. This is a removal of right to live, breathe, and movement, ordered by the police chief, the premiere, and the PM, and the UN, and the WHO. Fauci admits his own Doctors wont take the Jab. Fauci is Breaking Bad The punishment is 90 years in jail or death. Judgement Day Cometh So it shall be written, So it shall be done.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

April 30th 2021  

Category: News

1 Comment


- 3 years ago  

Will You provide links to the info posted please? Thanks! : )