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Melissa Lev



Why the Vaxxed are Acting Strange by Mike R

  - 19:14

Why the Vaxxed are Acting Strange by Mike R Original video source here: Please visit my other channels:






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

July 14th 2021  

File Size: 24 MB

Category: Health And Wellness



- 3 years ago  

I appreciate some of this information. Did not know about the placebos, however, it makes sense. It certainly sounds like what a manipulator and deceiver would do. Why are still calling this a "vaccine" when at the same time you're saying there is no such thing? Words have meaning. Change your dialogue so that it's consistent with your message if you want to get your message across to others. And no, this is NOT the mark of the beast. There has been no informed consent. Not even those giving the shots knew what was in it, not in the beginning anyway. Shame on you for saying those who've taken the shot are going to hell. News flash: God did not appoint you judge nor jury.


- 3 years ago  

Wow, you're right but your words are throwing off track. It's not a vaccine, it's an mRNA injection. Two, making spike proteins doesn't stop a viral attack, since it's the spike that allows the virus to attach to the cell in the first place. Three, SARS CoV2 only happened in China because the virus only had an effective range, but the virions it produces can infect people around the world. Virions are contagious, they don't need spike proteins because it's a copy strand from the original virus made in the cells of a human being. These copies are extremely contagious, but they're only copies, they're not SARS CoV2. SARS CoV2 killed approximately 60,000 people in Wuhan and then the actual virus dies. The copies made by other people who caught the infection are called Virions. Each cell of your body has a copy machine and it'll replicate so much that the cell explodes. This can only happen with a real Virus and not from a Virion; with a virion you'll come down with the Flu and be cured in about 10 days.


- 3 years ago  

This kind of fucker here uses religion and in his mind judges people, so fuck him and his holier than you mind set. He's what we think of when someone says "Holy Shit!" Doesn't know what he's doing and is filled with holy shit and hate. The rest he spoke of, ALL of it is some one else's work. Avoid pricks like this or you'll eventually be right back in the same trouble or worse, burning witches. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on! AND FUCK YOU FOR POSTING IT DIP SHIT~


- 3 years ago  

We all trust eugenicists to have our best interest at heart! Yeah, you would have to be nuttier than a squirrel turd in a peanut patch to go along with the ∴ Masonic slobs!


- 3 years ago  

how come there's so much proof and videos of not to get jab but these evil scum are getting away with the lies? why can't no one get rid of the governments?


- 3 years ago  

yeah it looks like plenty of saline here. Although where I come from there are over 350 deaths. We are being gas lighted by this. They want to question our beliefs to the core and the vast majority will cave. I shared a propaganda news station saying employers cannot obtain vaccine records nor forced published recently. Imagine that? He ignored it because his government told him to get it. I explained to think of his kid and no-one can technically force us yet under our alleged laws. (alleged democracy) He will get it. His words - I am not a Dr.