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Martine Carlina



Our Freedom is Being Held Hostage by Agenda 2030

  - 16:38

It seems I am battling forces that want to align No Masks Sask with nastiness. They are having trouble fulfilling the narrative of haters because it's not reflective of who we are. The feminine nature of the majority of objectors is a real problem for the NWO and they are doing their damndest to take us out. First it was BLM and Antifa and the latest is the 3%. Don't know who that is? I didn't either but I'm going to take you through it. Divide and conquer is the name of the game, but the big reason is that people are starting to pay attention to what I've been saying in over 125 videos since January. Thanks to BLM's publicity, I've seemingly moved out of some of the shadow banning and getting some great views here. 😉 CV was a long planned opportunity for the globalists to insert global governance throughout the world. This is a de facto government operating within ours. This governance has imposed a forced socialization to their disease culture and it's being executed through policies under states of emergency which support the goals of UN #Agenda2030. This includes 99% vaccination. I am taking you on a bit of a review of old material for me, but a necessary to bring you up to speed on a few things you may have missed in all the confusion. There is only one way out and that is out of the UN. This is why not one politician is talking about it because it's a can of worms they can never close and why it's now that we need to push the envelope with a #Saskatchewan #election underway.






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

September 18th 2020  

File Size: 330 MB

Category: Politics

1 Comment

Lol you are in pure resistance to the tyranny I love it! Zero inches given to the NWO