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Why Ivermectin Sucks

  - 5:29

I guess I couldn't quit. Yet.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

October 3rd 2021  

File Size: 52 MB

Category: Health And Wellness



- 2 years ago  

Health officials in the US are driven by profits. Your health and wellness do NOT factor into the equation.


- 3 years ago  

There is going to be a civil war, be prepared that's my prediction. I'm not saying do it, it's just what I see.

Eternal Light

- 3 years ago  

OAN, is NOT a trustworthy news station. Covid 19 does NOT exist, it's never been isolated, so therefore since OAN is NOT informing the public of this, they are complicit in keeping the Fraudulent and murderous Covid campaign going!


- 3 years ago


- 2 years ago  

Covid 19 does exist. I'm glad for you that you never had it, but I've had it twice. I can tell you a couple things about it. 1.) There is no immunity, vaccine or natural ... I've had it twice. Like the common cold, it's here to stay. 2) It is very bad. I slept sitting up in a chair one night because I could breathe when I laid down. The headache was so bad I almost wanted to die. The worst headache I've ever had in my life. 3) Ivermectin works. I took it the second time had covid and that horrendous headache was gone within a few hours. 4) This past July half of our workforce was out with it at the same time (me as well, that was the second time) so we could argue whether it's actually a corona virus or not, but it IS real whatever it is. 5) Nothing that they say is true. They made it something it isn't so you doubt everything. I understand that, but Covid is real.


- 3 years ago  

For our children ... there's no quitting. These psychos will keep on with their plans so we have to keep fighting. When tyranny becomes the new normal, total resistance becomes obligatory.

Nik Monk

- 3 years ago  

Exactly. I was disappointed to read a vlog entry by a supposed libertarian that I regularly follow, in which he described taking a bunch of his kids to a bowling alley on the weekend. He was surprised to be asked for proof of vax ( he is in Ontario, Canada) and ended up complying so as not to disappoint the kids. This guy ran in our federal election last month as a libertarian! I say — first you show your papers…then you get in the boxcar.

Nik Monk

- 3 years ago  

Yes! You are still here! I would give you a big hug except that I wouldn’t be social distancing.