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How Low Can You Go

  - 0:34

The yingyang of love-hate.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

February 20th 2022  

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Category: Technology & Science


Nik Monk

- 3 years ago  

Hey, Marooned! I have an anecdote. At a church I attended about 15 years ago, there was an annoyingly arrogant guy who was a psychologist and was always referred to with great respect as ‘Dr.’. I noticed that in the city phone book - remember those? - he was listed by his name, followed by ‘PhD’. I thought that was ridiculous, and that he was an arrogant little s.o.b. Anyway, the church decided to do a child protection handbook and code of conduct to give to volunteers working with the kids, and they asked this guy to do it - well, he was a ‘Dr.’, and had ‘PhD’ after his name, so he must know all about keeping kids safe. So…fast forward to last fall. In the local newspaper, there is this guy’s name - charged with 13 counts of sexual assault on teen boys. Apparently he kindly offered to give ‘therapy’ to troubled boys in his home, and the parents, who he met at the church, gratefully accepted. Well, he was a ‘Dr.’ and had that PhD after his name, after all. I am patting myself on the back for noticing at the time that this guy was a big creep and phony. I refused to sign the supposed child protection handbook he authored, but nobody cared. I didn’t have a PhD so my opinion was not wanted. Anyway, that’s my anecdote from lockdown in fascist Trudopia. Keep up the great work!


- 3 years ago  

That is horrific; but, butt, it reminds me of the only time I got molestered as a kid. It was by a friend of my parents who went to our church.


- 3 years ago  

Why not upload the whole video? Generally speaking, whenever I have listened to her being interviewed or her commentary, it has been completely rational and logical. Could it possibly be that what she is saying here on this little snippet is being taken completely out of context?


- 3 years ago While one could argue that the snippet was out of context, Wolf made a salient stand-alone point. I just like to poke fun at people who go by "doctor" instead of "phd." Also -- slouching.


- 3 years ago  

That is horrific; but, butt, it reminds me of the only time I got molestered as a kid. It was by a friend of my parents who went to our church.