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Major Rugburn



A million lies - an original song

  - 3:37

© 2020 (with some help from А. С. Пушкин) YouTube glitter, Facebook Twitter Cut your strings of caution Don't look red fear, look there blue cheer Played on your emotions You don't want to know what happened Heaven knows that you're not happy You've been told there's nothing to it I'm too old to look right through it And there's nothing more that you can do A million lies laugh in your face Laugh in your face, laugh in your face The notes you make, too good to fake Too good to fake, too good to fake У лукоморья дуб зелёный; Златая цепь на дубе том: И днём и ночью кот учёный Всё ходит по цепи кругом; Идёт направо — песнь заводит, Налево — сказку говорит. Там чудеса: там леший бродит, Русалка на ветвях сидит; Там на неведомых дорожках Следы невиданных зверей; Избушка там на курьих ножках Стоит без окон, без дверей; A million lies laugh in your face Laugh in your face, laugh in your face The notes you make, too good to fake Too good to fake, too good to fake






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Uploaded 4 years ago  

December 6th 2020  

File Size: 3 MB

Category: Music


I'm gonna share this on Twitter too lol

Major Rugburn

- 4 years ago  

thank you, many more to come...

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