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The Chaos will begin in the Fall of 2021

  - 19:00

Brother Bugnolo of






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June 22nd 2021  

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- 3 years ago  

He makes sense except the evolution BS.


- 3 years ago  

Yes the pope heads it all up brother. Looked in to the Jesuits?


- 3 years ago  

Why do you have a Brooklyn Ny accent, when you say you're from Rome Italy? Just asking?


- 3 years ago  

in Rome not from Rome. broadcasting from Rome


- 3 years ago  

We don’t know that what’s in the “vaccine” is actually a piece of corona virus. It very well could be part of a pathogen that hasn’t be released yet and won’t be released until enough people have taken the vaccine. So don’t expect people to start dying off immediately. It may be five years before the second part of this 2 part poison is released into the population.


- 3 years ago  

The news is starting the narrative that the un juiced are to blame for the deaths by spreading the new variant. As well as compassion we must be prepared to defend ourselves. Hay fever is now a variant. LOL


- 3 years ago  

The Branch Covidians will now carefully plan how to fix democratic elections all over the world.


- 3 years ago  

Either Covid is the Bio Weapon or just Influenza A or B with a different name it was all perpetrated on humanity to over throw our economies to bring in globalist tyranny to control the masses Fuhur Klaus Scwab and Reichmarshal George Soros and Dr Mengele Gates with his investments in Big Pharma and his lackey Dr Gobbals Fauci the medical propaganda minister for The Fourth Reich that makes up the 3000 Dignitaries that make up the Davos Group including THE UNITED NATIONS leaders with THE WHO leaders like Tedros not even a real doctor but a marxist politician from Ethiopia he was put in his position by CHINA to protect them from any flack over Covid fiasco and THE CDC leaders with the world leaders Like Biden, Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Angela Merkel, Macron, Jocinda Arden, Scott Morrison and all other politicans and all chief medical Dr's in all countries involved have all been bought and paid for like the media they are all the hand puppets of the Davos Group these monsters all need to be rooted and dealt with extreme prejudice like Mussolini was dealt with and the money they have stolen from us by there destruction of secondary business closures suicides job losses there vaccination of there snake oil the people they have harmed and maimed and killed they all need to be arrested and brought to trial in NUREMBERG FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY watch put REINER FUELLMICH is coming for you NUREMBERG 2.0


- 3 years ago  

Amazing, and all the scientist did was invent a soft-kill vaccine and through fear, got everyone to take the injection.


- 3 years ago  

Vaxcine = Weaponized Medicine Trojan Horse = Blood Clot PURGE


- 3 years ago  

The only true religion is to visit the fatherless and widowed in their affliction. We need to help the afflicted wherever we can, regardless of their faith, unless we are chased out by the situation. Who are the fatherless, and widowed, these are those who have no heavenly father. I appreciate your video. Thank you.


- 3 years ago  

How have those people been deceived? They have been deceived through MK ULTRA type mind control via the TV, MSM & the various governments, chemtrails, fluoride in the drinking water etc have affected the brains of many, so in this case can they really be blamed for what is happening & that they have been coerced into taking the jab?


- 3 years ago  

Half right, I used to think like that until being a naval aviator and seeing we have alien reproduction vehicles. Now the videos are being released. We're not alone. So I say half right. Better consider the reality so the shock doesn't hurt so much. We are under a terrorist attack.

Max Random

- 3 years ago  

Bring it - No Fear. Max Random


- 3 years ago  

The experimental chemical concoctions contain components from various animal species .....


- 3 years ago  

I Have already decided to look after as many orphans as I can.

Bill LeBrave

- 3 years ago  

The scorpions in Revelation do not kill people, they torment them and make them wish they died, but they don't actually kill them.


- 3 years ago  

It's become impossible for me not to rationalize current events down to a simple case of good versus evil.


- 3 years ago  

I've been telling my closest family who have rejected the shot, the same thing. We have nothing to fear. Jesus gave us two commandments. Love the Lord your God with all your heart soul and mind. Doing this, Jesus guides you into all Truth. (how to treat your neighbor) to start. These two encompass the whole law. Bury the dead and preach the gospel.


- 3 years ago  

Soo your saying, get ready for the Zombies.... As long as I have Cold Beer, I'll be ready and waiting.