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40% Surge in Working Age Deaths

  - 1:46:19

Sourced of - Peak Prosperity -






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April 15th 2022  

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Category: News



- 2 years ago  

In the wheel of light ... All is recorded chook


- 2 years ago  

Now we know, “”watch the water “, the jabbed have snake venom slithering through their veins. Sorry people, should have waited !


- 2 years ago  

Roflmao - that is a load of Stew Peters Gaslighting special . If it would be so then people would bleed to death instead of having clots ! So a shitty Rapper / ex Bounty Hunter tricked you up , and you fail to see the basics of biology . The toxin comes of the insert`s in the spike that is used in the vaccine ( Deep see snails ) and are known for nearly 2 years . stay safe Fredy


- 2 years ago  

I stopped watching when he started talking about variants as if they are a real thing, as at this point I consider anybody who thinks there actually was or is any novel virus going around to be ignorant. The mass formation hypnosis/psychosis (the original term used by Mattias Desmet was mass formation hypnosis) originally began in the 1990s and early 2000s with the use of global warming and terrorism respectively to create the free-floating anxiety. The solution to these offered up by the global cabal at that time was to create increased security measures worldwide and restrictions on CO2 use worldwide. The increased security measures served as the means of establishing control through things like the Department of Homeland Security in the United States, and the restrictions on CO2 increased the wealth of the globalists through the CO2 credit trading systems. The notion of a novel virus spreading around the world is only the latest form of creating free-floating anxiety, the solution of which they offered up as only their vaccine. Masks we're not introduced as part of the solution but as a means of creating more anxiety and especially a means of creating division in the population and using the group wearing masks to pressure those resistant to the vaccines to take them. Obviously, in all of this, getting these vaccines into people was their real aim, almost certainly as a means of population control and ultimately complete surveillance of those who manage to survive them. The notion that there was a pandemic was clearly created by the use of a fraudulent PCR test being done on people with the seasonal flu/cold and by murdering the elderly who got sick with midazolam in the UK and Europe and remdesivir in the United States.


- 2 years ago  

The insurance executive in the video stated that the 40% number was for people covered by his company but then went on to state that it was true across the board, meaning all insurance companies were reporting similar findings, and in fact, other insurance companies have reported even worse all-cause mortality, with one company reporting a 200% increase in all-cause mortality in the third quarter of 2021. Also, with regards to the woman's comment that we don't know what these people died from, that is true enough, but when these events occur one naturally has to look at what was different during the time period of the event from what normally happens, and of course, the thing that stands out in 2021 that was different was that these mRNA shots started in January 2021. Therefore, whether these insurance companies stated this outright or not, the elephant in the room is that the massive increase in all-cause mortality was caused by the administration of these mRNA injections.