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What comes around , goes around - This is how they treat us - your turn now

  - 1:25






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

August 23rd 2022  

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Category: NewTube Related



- a year ago  

>"protect other immuno-compromised people" 🤪... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


- 2 years ago  

Don't worry, the Lord's judgment will hold all personnel of all medical establishments for their treacherous harm and murder they did to the people. There'll be no escape.


- 2 years ago  

Karma is a Beautiful Thang eh.


- 2 years ago  

Yup, it's sad when knowing that the aftercare meds for vaccines are herbals, it makes you wanna think that if I just had the right herbals I'd never have to worry about Covid in the first place doesn't it ?


- 2 years ago  

Oh, please. You were one of those vaccinated types that were ranting about how irresponsible and selfish people were who didn't get the shot. Your motives were not all pure and noble. You got the shot because you were too scared to say no.


- 2 years ago  

Was she really? I don't know. I did find her on tiktok, but I just had no interest in watching any of her vids. If you want to you can. She is "Kath D" on tiktok


- 2 years ago  

The unpleasant matter has hit the fan. Let's see how the politicians try to wriggle out of the aim direction.


- 2 years ago  

Most of the patients I've seen were made by doctors. Follow the medical advice they followed and you'll see how they became patients instead of people.


- 2 years ago  

It'll get worse if you think this is sad, she'll be shedding the spike protein to others, she's genetically damaged now and dying a slow death. In fact we're all trying to avoid accidentally picking up the synthetic mRNA that's killing her. We're in the ovens - IN THE OVENS!

Mind Blown

- 2 years ago  

I totally get the knee jerk reaction to "Ha ha!" the people who bought the bullshit and especially those who got all high and mighty with us "conspiracy theorists", but honestly it's sad, these people who blindly trust the system have been sorely deceived and many are literally paying with their lives. There are a LOT of them, including my own family members, co-workers and friends.


- 2 years ago  

The world (mostly those on the left) went pretty hard stupid there for a spell. Many of them see that now, but I don't think that will prevent them from going hard stupid next time. I've seen this for years. Look at the news. People figure out that the news lied to them, but they still believe the very next thing the news tells them without question. Then they find out that too is a lie, but they still believe the very next thing the news tells them without question. Then they find out that too is a lie, but still believe the very next thing the news tells them without question. Repeat ad nauseam.


- 2 years ago  

The real question is will she wake up now? It seems that the cognitive dissonance is occurring, that may be a start

Mind Blown

- 2 years ago  

Right? Let's hope


- 2 years ago  

I'm certain that she will still vote for liberal, progressive politicians who were along with their bureaucrats pushing the experimental jabs and all the other nonsense over the last near 3 years. She will and yes it's sad, but she will likely turn her chronic health issues into a virtue signal..... It's all odd how the human mind can think.


- 2 years ago  

I highly doubt it. I suspect that she was (and still is) perfectly OK with doctors refusing to treat the unvaxed.


- 2 years ago  

You never mess with a functioning system. Period. Your jab added an unnecessary variable, a new unknown risk factor, that will make it much harder in the future to establish what exactly is going on whenever you get sick. Trust in journalists and politicians will be the main cause of death in humans for the coming decades.


- 2 years ago  

Yup dont fix it if its not broke


- 2 years ago  

The very fact that she feels like she has to censor herself when saying "vaccine" and "Covid" ought to have told her everything she needed to know BEFORE she took the kill shot.


- 2 years ago  

Right on, probably wanted to be popular.


- 2 years ago  

The ironic thing is that she was, no doubt, perfectly OK with doctors refusing to treat the unvaxed.

The Red Pill Toolkit

- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

just the fax


- 2 years ago  

I am sorry for you but you could have known better?


- 2 years ago  

At least some medical professionals can read the statistics and are taking appropriate action. Who would want to take on a patient likely to have adverse affects and then possibly blame and/or sue the professional?


- 2 years ago  

what is really shocking is just how mind -warped these zombies are - the vaxed are a people that literally make up reality (their truth) as they see fit - they have no concern for the facts and will NOT look at the facts even if facts are put on a plate for them, THIS FIGHT IS LOST - THE MURDEROUS POPE AND HIS JESUITS WILL WIN.


- 2 years ago  

So in other words you are semi retarded. I mean because you thought you were protecting others so you let yourself become a genetic experiment. I would ask "How many people did you kill by giving them influenza in the past? Yeah, like I said retarded


- 2 years ago  

Single fellow looking for unvaxed woman ....... ......... ........... Still looking......... ! Yep we know what a toilet is used for..... We know a bed is for sleeping/ not shitting in . Sorry love ,like the rest of the jabbed , your an unknown now , one to steer clear of.


- 2 years ago  

"Oh my gosh, it's so hard to pucker up to Satan's ass and suck a giant turd out while pretending to the rest of the world that I have something valuable to offer." Is what she just said.


- 2 years ago  

Doing what you are told and doing the RIGHT Thing - are two things in this case.


- 2 years ago  

Amen! ... two VERY different things.