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The Big Reset Movie (Eng) The Uncensored Documentary about the truth of the pandemic

  - 2:16:44

Sourced of - El documental sin censura de la verdad sobre la pandemia. - WWW.THEBIGRESETMOVIE.COM






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

September 20th 2022  

File Size: 497 MB

Category: NewTube Related



- a year ago  

Spot on the truth, now we have to bring these criminals to Book, people have to Wake up, the same has this cbcd, it is all about control and making us slaves, Wake up?


- 2 years ago  

BRILLIANT! YOU ARE A TRUE HERO! This is exactly what the naive’, gullible, ignorant and lazy masses, need to see! I’m still not convinced that “Covid” even exists! As you stated, they used Flu deaths and false-positive PCR numbers, as well as the normal yearly death numbers from other illnesses to create their narrative! There’s a video that you didn’t show of a Big Pharma puppet giving a presentation of how to sell a pandemic! And he tells his immoral audience that he just calls the media and gives them the normal death numbers for that week, (which sounds enormous!) then the audience chuckles, and he says, then the money rolls in!


- 2 years ago  

Hi GODSTRUTH777 , that one is in here somewhere . Dutch researcher guiding the crowd with BS narrative . Might be 20 min long , forgot the title so . Happened right in the beginning of the european wave , Dude about 50 ,220 pound short hair . stay safe Fredy


- 2 years ago  

This site is broken


- 2 years ago  

Why does this post say 10 Comments, but are NOWHERE Found?!


- 2 years ago  

Hi KingdomPurposed , i see em and the ONLY THING i delete are " work online "spam . But something is wrong with Newtube , my views have collapsed to 10 % lately .


- 2 years ago  

In the USA the 2009 swine flu "pandemic" ended over night when the government stopped "testing"...weird isn't it? Here is the the final solution to all pandemics, STOP TESTING for IT. The "SCIENTISTS" don't observe the "v i r u s" they observe the useless PCR "TEST". These words and their mutable definitions are designed to confuse the credulous masses such that it promotes FEAR because TRUTH is too hard to comprehend let alone study independently. Its a A Cult of health ignorance. Something different to ponder: FACT: No vaccine facility or manufacturer of needles or syringes is truly sanitary because of.... airborne "viruses" (aka fear of dead cell debris) and germs, from The Beginning, it is flawed! Needle injections are NOT SANITARY! It "could be" ( magic medical words just used) dangerous because of some risks relating to THE PROCEDURE ITSELF since it is done in an open air environment. 1. The needle when removed from packaging is instantly contaminated by germs of the air. 2. The needle now contaminated, is placed into the vial fluids and when drawn out is wet therfore susceptible to being contaminated by more and more germs/viruses in the air that now inhabit, live and multiply, the fliud medium of an exposed needle. 3. This contaminated needle is forced into the body like a rapier sword, it kills, slices and cuts cells causing numerous micro-injuries. The needle damages cells going in and out of the body so now the body has to clean up and repair this cell damage hopefully preventing infection and disease. 4. The vaccine procedure is flawed, unsanitary and must be performed under BSL conditions otherwise it is useless and dangerous. ...Minutiae, yes but it seems science cares little about this kind of minutiae, Big things have small beginnings. Note: The contents of the vial, well this is a horse of a different color.


- 2 years ago  

Looking for an english DUBBED version of this. The subtitling is difficult to read in places, and certainly hard to stick with for 2+ hours. If it doesn't exist I will need to make it myself. This will reach a much wider audience if dubbed! I know this would take some work but i would be willing to put in the time.


- 2 years ago  

The assumption, that the existence of "viruses" is a part of this movie, shows the lack of understanding the adult playground of virology, which is a fantasy - not science. That includes the interview with Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg/Virologist. The virologists has never shown any evidence of any "virus" and they never make real blind tests with placebo, meaning were the participants in such studies doesn't know if they get a placebo drug or not. Such study includes the physicians not knowing which drug they give the "patient". Not using real scientific evidence studies based on the placebo outcome, what really triggers/causes a disease, the health status of the participants in such studies etc. is not used by the assumption based virology field, which shows they blindly follows the path of a look alike faith in their laboratories. A world in which you don't get the real picture of the human body and it's capability to fight the causes of illnesses and how these illnesses is expressed in various forms and shapes. That's not the evidence of a alleged "virus", but the easy way to convince the ignorant public to be fooled into the pharmacy tricks, that they can cure you with their chemicals. They do not cure illnesses, they suppresses the real cause of diseases and sometimes they kill the "patient".


- 2 years ago  

If that is your big take-away from this movie then you have missed the point. Virus or not has little to do with the underlying agenda. Maybe we should talk about the fact that vaccines don't work and never have? 🙄 No, THAT would be standing on the wrong soapbox too! No, address the issues brought to light by this film and how to correct THEM please...


- 2 years ago  

Yeah, let's hope Putin can aim straight, we know where the enemy is.

felicia p

- 2 years ago  

I e mailed this to the filthy lying coward and traitor Jacinda Ardern, her government and the university of Auckland. She is the mass murderer of New Zealand as far as I am concerned, along with her coward traitor politicians and Medsafe.


- 2 years ago  

Jacinda Ardern - its not a she, its a heshe


- 2 years ago  

The miracle of life, how does it work ? If a weighing scale was put on the funding for Virology, it would measure over a million tons and yet not one ounce of information we paid for has been delivered truthfully to all the citizens who funded it. This is the crime. This information would've changed the world for the better but instead it was used to conceal agendas that would literally destroy the world. By September 11, 2001 the commencement of their evil wickedness begins. Stay tuned, there's more to come !


- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  
