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Nudge Units and Vaxophiles - by Anandamide

  - 19:55

Sourced of - The vaccine industry always tries to ‘Wakefield’ its critics. With their vast funding and advertisement dollars being pumped into the dinosaur media, this has been easy for them to pull off. They always accuse you of being in some anti-vax grift despite the $100B in liability free mandated vaccines they just raked in. This slander is the most pernicious as it such a nasty inversion of the truth. Its as if the antivaxxers are raking in Lambos and GulfStreams off of their decision to get fired for speaking out. They dont need high quality fact checkers to influence large sectors of the public. After all, 75% of the public took these vaccines and many gave them to their kids. Everyone wants reassuring information that they made the right call. But things are different now. People are seeing all of their friends get sick and vaccine uptake has dropped to 2%. Pointy questions are being asked so when pointy papers like ours emerge that pull in 90,000 views in 6 days… The Vaxophile nudge units get deployed. And they have been in attack mode all week over this paper. As a comparison, our first paper on this topic was published back in April and took over 6 months to get 90,000 views. This now took 6 days. People are hungry for this information and Pharma is desperate to slander it. That’s where Dan Wilson comes in. He works for a CRO that boasts about their ability to manufacture mRNA vaccines and also has a large C19 COViD testing division. Great labs but his conflicts are overt but never mentioned in his Debunking videos. I don’t have much time, so I quickly threw this presentation together with some broken editing but I think you’ll get the point. Dan is a Vaxophile nudger. No real scientific accomplishments to his name and when he chronically lies to slander scientists in the field ...






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