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MUST WATCH Pharmacist Drops Jaw-Dropping Truth Bombs on Customer

  - 9:31

Sourced of - The Canadian Independent -






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Uploaded 2 years ago  

August 3rd 2022  

File Size: 58 MB

Category: NewTube Related



- a year ago  

When is insanity going to end, these globalists vaccine manufacturers have to be taken out. I suggest injecting them with their vaccine once a day until they die.


- 2 years ago  

Omicron is a variant from the vaccine. If you get a bunch of people taking an mRNA injection, as you gather around each other you'll make your own variants. Those who haven't taken a vaccine, will have a stronger immune system and this will prevent them from catching Omicron. So in a sense, all we can do is watch the vaccinated get sicker and sicker.


- 2 years ago  

The army put live bird flu, bovine flu and swine flu into various flu shots inorder to promote a false epidemic in China, as it spread internationally through out the world it was hiped up as a global pandemic inorder to push global MDA of newly developed antihellmintic compounds to illiminate neglected tropical worm diseases by 2030. UNFOURTANTLY, killing tapeworms, round worms and flat worms residing in the ARTERYS VEINS and cappilarys of people and animals cause severe toxemia as they die, break up and release entral toxins in the body blood suddenly, if activity causes free liveing worms to break up into pieces or simply come unhooked from the vessel linning, it can block off blood supply to the heart, or brain or lungs and suddenly kill the host being treated, especially when long tapeworms dislodge and large 6" snail flukes curl up while dieing . Smaller forms of flukes in cappilary vessels restrict blood in the lungs leading to sortness of breath and pulomary distress syndrome, in the head, it cause seizers, tremors, stroke swelling of the brain and death in severe cases of infection. Your church doesn't teach you about the dangers of the devil because it makes it's fourtunes making you fear for your soul instead of teaching you how to live your life in ways that prevent infection by worms, infact, your scriptures actualy encourage you to kill animals for the devil's flesh. your medical establishment doest tell you about these devil's because it's empire of wealth comes from treating your symptoms of worm infections, so they purposely neglect addressing the issue publicly. There is an army of worms in nature that are slowly killing and stealing your soul away from you and you don't even know there the cause of your cancers and illnesses. God, which is the church of Christ is now useing the army of worms your infected with because you don't keep all of gods laws to kill you with by way of new parasite treatments. Those whom srvive, survive the judgement of the kingdom of God in these end times shall be alive to maintain there places in heaven on Earth. Those whom are poor in the laws of gods true knowledge are meek, blind and will inherit the earth(grave). They don't tell you the difference between MANKIND (black&white) blood lines & HUMANITY mixed blood (NEGRO races) because it is a BEAST that is takeing over the world for itself. f it is not stopped by 2030, it will breed out and starve mankind out of existance by 2050. I'm sorry but God will not allow this man-made MONSTER to do this. Humanity will DISAPERE and never be allowed to reproduce on earth again. Niggerism desease has finally brought God's final JUDGEMENT upon itself. HiHitler.


- 2 years ago  

No vaccines for 50 years, perfect health! Never a doctor bill.


- 2 years ago  

And this video really shows you how the MSM & politicians instilled fear into the populous. A Huge thanks to this doctor' Pharmacist. It's more then dropping truth bombs. It's Actually INFORMED CONSENT !!! This is what all doctors and hospitals are required to tell patients. but big pharma, cdc fouci, gates & drug companies are hushing this kinda info. It's a govt stfu and comply, we need your soul. The guy asking questions needs an update on how to research. It's easy to do. First ya have to stop watching TV Programming, Why do ya think they call it a TV Program. indoctrination, propaganda, Then there is alternative news like what we see here plus the thousands of doctors that came forward against the shots because what it consists of and microscopic evidence what it's doing to your blood cells and dna. This is what everyone means when they say " WAKE TF UP" Good luck everyone and Please Pass this information on to your friends and family...


- 2 years ago  

My opinion, I think the vaccines hinder the immune system so it can't detect viruses. So if a person gets a virus their immune system doesn't attack it, allowing the virus to multiply, increasing the chance that it mutates. The person doesn't have any symptoms until the virus disrupts the working of the liver, heart, or other major organs. Then it's too late. If the immune system kick into gear it becomes overwhelmed.


- 2 years ago  

Indeed it's already been studied that this so called misnamed vaxx does kill blood cells and attacks your god given Immune system which renders it useless. That is why they want the constant boosters for those that have been altered to keep their immunities brought on by replication of the T-cells. All This using people as medical rats is going against the Nuremberg code. and those involved should accept responsibility and never see the light of day ever again.


- 2 years ago  

The truth is out there and you can't un-see it. There's no un-ringing the bell, the walls are coming down, but as for those who took this ticking time bomb with no "off switch", I hope the little time of good health remaining, turns them into a wrecking ball because being murdered is an act of war, not fighting back isn't an option.


- 2 years ago  

This so called Chemist is a Joke? it's Murder you fool?


- 2 years ago  

Truth bomb?? NOW?? LOL I knew all this 2 years ago. My doctor's nurse called and asked, I said no way. The cure is just as bad as the disease. ZERO benefit. But most I know did it, to travel mostly with stupidly blind faith in gubmint too. Local TV is pushing the axe on 2 year olds. IGNORANT Assholes personified. Thank god for Ron Desantis.


- 2 years ago  

Why inject anything in your body against a in silico "virus"? The "conversations" about the injections, masks, distancing etc. is a pseudo debate, based on the narrative that you can get ill by a non existing "virus", which is "diagnosed" on a PCR tool(not a test), which doesn't give any answers about your health status. It's a moron "conversation" from the beginning of this planned agenda - a damn lie, constructed to distract people from the real issues in life, called reality. People get sick caused by unhealthy food/processed food, lack of sleep, government induced stress scenarios of "virusses" everywhere, lack of exercise, med. tech. medication and so on.


- 2 years ago  

Sicknesses exist. That isn't a 'conspiracy theory.'


- 2 years ago  

@Volkner .... The whole covid thing sure as hell IS a conspiracy to kill millions with a lab improved virus to push a lab mRNA potion to enslave all humanity. Fauci, Gates and Epstein were best BUDDIES at U. Homicidal maniacs 100%. GloBULL warming FRAUD and all.


- 2 years ago  

Another good man. Fair play to him. Probably lose his job, but his conscience is clear.