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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months

  - 1:03:06

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February 1st 2021  

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Category: News



- 3 years ago  

Thank you from the NL


- 3 years ago  

Hi 13thRebellionNL - you are welcome . Just found another channel you may like - 2 clips with translation coming up shortly mate stay safe Fredy


- 3 years ago  

There are 36 different Corona Viruses in the environment... 7 of them known to infect humans. Since the late 60's... - Interesting information -


- 4 years ago  

Here's what I'm wondering, since this treatment is telling your immune system to remove a certain protein from your mRNA, how many mRNA's are going on per day ? 100,000 maybe ? The intracellular immune system would be working in overdrive 24/7 ! How long could that hold up ? Maybe a few years ? What would happen in the summer months a person that's been vaccinated gets a Bee sting or a mosquito bite, would it kill him ?


- 4 years ago  

Hi Jeff - it seams to me that you are a couple of steps ahead of me , so i cant give you a valid / backed up answer on all you wrote to me . However the amplified immune response driven by spike-proteins will most likely never end since it becomes part of your DNA and therefor replicates the problem for all eternity while at the same time not being able to differentiate between own or foreign ergo attacking your own immune system, in all likelihood together with viral shedding as has been reported of late . On top of it i am not aware of ANY STUDIES ANYWHERE THAT WOULD CHECK FOR OTHER ALLERGIC REACTIONS AS WHAT YOU MENTION WITH A BEE STING .NOR ANY STUDIES OF LONG-TERM RISKS OR CROSS-REACTIONS TO PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS OR ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS . Assuming for a moment here , but since most cells are active the number of 100 000 is far to low to make sense to me , pick this for example : ( How many Mrna? Approximately 360,000 mRNA molecules are present in a single mammalian cell, made up of approximately 12,000 different transcripts with a typical length of around 2 kb. ) ( mRNA is a single-stranded molecule that carries genetic code from DNA in a cell's nucleus to ribosomes, the cell's protein-making machinery.) So have fun counting the variations Fredy


- 4 years ago  

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is a hero. The host is a stone cold Bitch. People are fooled by lies, and she would let them suffer? Tough love my ass, this is a cowardly way to deal with your fears. When people refuse to help other humans, even the mistaken ones, you stop being human. Now your just another problem.

Fountain Valley Remedies

- 4 years ago  

Is there any possibility for detoxification for people who have undergone the vaccination? Those are my worries. How to help them and is there the possibility for detoxifying the DNA from the RNA?


- 4 years ago  

Is it true the tests have nano particles and threads in them too?!!!


- 4 years ago  

Anyone dumb enough to trust their government, will win their Darwin award 💉💀☠️⚰️


- 4 years ago  

For goodness sakes...stop talking 15 to the dozen and let the Doctor speak....


- 4 years ago  

The lady is a lot of goodnthings but she is not being consistent. At least up to the 15 minute mark. She says the messenger RNA goes into the cell which then uses this information to create the spike protein. Then the body creates Y shaped antibodies where the \/ part of the Y grab and i quote "messenger RNA". That is not correct. It should and does grab the spike protein because that's the part that is recognizable to the immune system. I am sure that is what she meant to say. However she needs to be very precise because pro vaccine people will attack thise inconsistencies. I will return to listen.


- 4 years ago  

Trump have almost always been right about everything. My guess is that his IQ is actually around IQ 200.


- 4 years ago  

So after all this Trump was right, after 60 years of using Hydroxychloroquine this still works and is cheap. Look at why countries that malaria have little cases.


- 4 years ago  

It’s good to be informed, but why are we not going to the Word of God?


- 4 years ago  

Why do they keep calling it "the Corona Virus ?" There was never a virus outside of China, only infected people are spreading the contagious aspects of the virus and actually these transmissions are copies, and they do not turn into a complete virus. It's usually understood as "virions" that are contagious, just like the common Cold; and that's why there's no such a thing as a vaccine for a cold.


- 4 years ago  

That figure as of today is over 74,000, multiply that by 10


- 4 years ago  

Hi Robbajob , i fear that is still not enough . UK has rolled out mass vac ,so germany declaring that there is no easing of restrictions till majority is vaced ,So europe has fallen in step .US -part of africa and asia .Australia is going as well , we may have to think of a factor of 1000 + considering the relentless vac drive globally Fredy


- 4 years ago  

I was thinking more like 20%. Which does not include the maimed


- 4 years ago  

I'm sorry for the multitudes of people who are so brainwashed they actually believe something this wrong is good for them.