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This Is Why Flights Have Been Shut Down World Wide Vaxxed Pilots Forbidden To Transport

  - 8:39

Sourced of - In Search of Truth - This Is Why Flights Have Been Shut Down World Wide Pilots who have received experimental medications into their systems are strictly forbidden under federal law to transport passengers. Airlines fear liability.






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January 8th 2022  

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Category: Health And Wellness



- 3 years ago  

Wonder Whose The Idiot That hit The laughing Emoji? This is Serious! And straight Up GENOCIDE!


- 3 years ago  

Hi KingdomPurposed . you be surprised by the heartless stupidity . Had a twitter post with 100 death certificates of vaxxed pilots , does that concern you ? , REPLY : No , next Qu. stay safe Fredy

Dragon Slayer Intel

- 3 years ago  

As much as I appreciate the well spoken words of Leigh Dundras. It is the lack of faith and knowledge of God that made the JAB seem ok to those whom allowed it and are now changing ( DNA ) and dying. So seek Our father on high, FIRST, and none of this would have happen..


- 3 years ago  

Eashoa said, “LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU! ABBADON-ald DRUMPF Ignited OPERATION WARPED as Hell Speed with DEMON BILL GATES. People don’t Understand that The GOVT. is LEGION. Gematria Says The GOVT. [is] LEGION 😈 This is SPIRITUAL WARFARE thus Takes A Spirit Of The LIVING GOD to COVER and PROTECT YOU, CLAIMING PSALMS 91 NO HARM WILL COME NEAR YOU, NO HARM WILL COME NEAR YOUR TENT. [IF] YOU MAKE The MOST HIGH Your DWELLING PLACE. But if You Don’t That One is NAKED With NO PLACE To DWELL but The COLD NAKED WORLD Where Reptilian’s, Clones, Drones, And Not the kind of drones people think! Demons are here and Alien’s Drumpf Musk Demons talk about Of The Nerdy name Galactic Federation are NEPHILIM “Demons” The Jesus Christ people, The So called BELIEVERS are Putting Their FAITH in Man infested With The NEPHILIM DEMONS, The Bread is on The Table and YHWH is waiting for The WORLD to Take Eat Of The Bread in Eashoa’s Mighty Name. And don’t say Jesus, That’s The Jesuits god. And Why TONS of Jesus Christ people are taking the Jab. Hence The Society Of Jesus “Free Masons” We Who BELIEVE proclaim The Blood and Are IMMORTAL by FAITH, OBEDIENCE and WORKS


- 3 years ago  

Getem Peggy!