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🤣🤣APPsolutely Ridiculous🤣🤣

  - 2:11

Sourced of - Anaconda MaltLiquor -






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

March 29th 2022  

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Category: NewTube Related



- 2 years ago  

I'm waiting for the fart app.


- 2 years ago  

THERE IS THIS: PASTEUR THE SELF ADMITTED FRAUD AND PLAGERIST, THE FATHER OF (THE BELIEF) IN THE GERM THEORY of disease ..THAT MUTATED INTO (THE BELIEF} IN THE VIRUS THEORY of disease. A "CULT OF PROTECTION" ESTABLISHED FROM SOMETHING (NOTHING) ONE CANNOT SEE, FEEL, HEAR, SMELL, OR TASTE. PCR "TESTS" FOR A POTENTIAL INFECTION, THEY BELIEVE. PCR IS NOT DESIGNED FOR PROVING INFECTION...JUST PROVING A MOSTLY BOGUS (BELIEF IN) IMAGINARY "CASES" OF MAYBE "A THING" THAT IS PROBABLY NOTHING. PROPHALAXIS MEDICINE THE 2ND GREATEST MARKETING SCAM/CULT OF ALL TIME. VACCINES CAN NEVER WORK: The terrain is everything... Robert Koch found 43 varieties or strains of tuberculosis and there are probably as many strains of any other disease. The very multiplicity of these strains, and the ease with which modification can occur on the shelf or in the tissues, is the fundamental reason why biologicals can never be used successfully. THE VACCINE FLUID/VIAL CONTENT IS POTENTIALLY DEADLY,..TERRAIN! F. Loehnis, soil biologist, and N. R. Smith of the U.S. Department of Agriculture have discussed this variability of germs at considerable length and conclude that any germ can break down into a filterable fluid and then develop into new forms that may be radically different from the original germ, their new characteristics depending mostly upon their environment. - from "Bechamp or Pasteur", by Hume ON ANTHRAX: "In diseases there is then a morbid evolution of some anatomical element which corresponds to a vicious functioning and to the vibrionien evolution. It is thus that in anthrax the morbid microzymas of the blood become the bacteria of Davaine, and the blood globules experience such remarkable changes. but even as the microzymas may become morbid, they may cease to be so; for instance, there is a leading observation of Davaine upon the non-transmissibility of anthrax even by inoculation; if the animal be in process of putrefaction its blood can no longer communicate anthrax. ON POLIO VACCINES: All must remember that the present polio vaccine contains, besides monkey protein, horse serum, formaldehyde, streptomycin and penicillin as well as indicator dye and preservatives, some of which, are also allergens." ON NORMAL AIR: " From this observation of Davaine I draw the conclusion that normal air never contains morbid microzymas, what used to be called germs of diseases and now microbes; maintaining in accord with the old medical aphorism that diseases are born of us and in us, that no one has ever been able to communicate a characteristic disease of the nosological class, anthrax, smallpox, typhoid fever, cholera, plague, tuberculosis, hydrophobia, syphilis, etc., by taking the germ in the air, but necessarily from a patient, at some particular moment. " --Antoine Bechamps memoirs VACCINES ARE A COMPLETE FAILURE: 9. September 20, 1953, The United Nations World Health Organization Committee reports, "Efforts to Control Polio Complete Failure" and condemns any large scale intramuscular injections. NO VIRUSES...JUST A SCARY/WORD/GRAVEN IMAGE MARKETTED BY INVESTOR$.$$$: 12. The world’s greatest brains and scientists all agree THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A VIRUS . . . merely a mythical word to confuse the public. Read Dr. A. J. Shadman’s (M.D.) new book, "Who Is Your Doctor And Why."


- 2 years ago  

"You are a certified fuckwit!" :'D :'D


- 2 years ago  

BIBLICAL! Marqus (The Gospel of Mark) 9:1. And he said to them, "Amen, I am telling you, there are human beings who rise again, who will not taste death until they see the Kingdom of Allaha coming in power." They are seeing the Kingdom of Allaha coming in power. Repent in the name of Maran Eashoa M'Sheekhah the Nazarene! Amen.


- 2 years ago  



- 2 years ago  

My pharts are pure pharts.


- 2 years ago  

I like the one where they check your butt hole, so inhuman !


- 3 years ago  

I love that people think this is real.


- 3 years ago  

They hiring?


- 3 years ago  



- 3 years ago  

Where do the idiot trolls come from?


- 3 years ago  

Having trouble posting


- 3 years ago  

Having trouble posting


- 2 years ago  

an invasion probably!!!!


- 3 years ago  

My doctor told me the best way to determine whether or not I had the virus was by testing my semen. Then he jacked me off. In the name of science, of course. The cameras, he said, were to make a record for future 'study' and would never be seen by anyone other than professionals. My doctor cares.


- 3 years ago  

Can i get to see your doctor? I need several tests


- 3 years ago  

They think we are morons. Mocking those who know.


- 3 years ago  

I would laugh but Christ, it's just too infuriating. Beam me up Scotty man,ffs


- 3 years ago  

I don't always understand what the internet shorthand letters mean but it didn't take me long to figure out what ffs means.


- 3 years ago  
