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Why Omicron might soon become very deadly

Sourced of - 👇‍👇‍ Here’s my guess for how this is going to play out: 1. Health officials use fear of Omicron to scare people into taking the booster now. 2. The booster temporarily suppresses your immune system, making you more susceptible to getting Omicron. 3. You get Omicron 4. You die due to the vaccine 5. Omicron is perceived to have killed you. 6. Go to step 1. See? It’s never ending. Nobody ever figures out that the “safe and effective” vaccine was doing the killing.






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Uploaded 3 years ago  

December 14th 2021  

Category: Health And Wellness


Pandoras Box

- 3 years ago  

Every so called covid so called virus is computer generated. To date the computer garbage has created about 5 million variants. What they do it take a sample, add monkey kidney whatever, bovine fetal whatever and a couple of other chemicals and come up with whatever. They feed the results into a computer and tell the computer to create covid whatever and it does. If they took a snow flake and added it to that slop, it to would create a covid variant. There is no way they can say the virus is purified or isolated, when they do that. That is scientifically impossible. Even just adding monkey guts to a sample, means it s contaminated. It is not rocket science. Would you purify water by adding shit to it. NOT gonna happen. One intelligent person also pointed out if they told the computer to create, measles mumps etc the computer would also do that. So all so called covid and it;s variants are, are computer created viruses. AN afterthought------They must be using a Bill Gates computer program for that. His software is great at attracting viruses, spyware, malware etc. Explorer is fabulous, for doing that. LOL Odds are good he may have even paid someone to create that software to create fake viruses. Dresden from Germany created the crappy PCR test that means nothing. He is being taken to court over that one. It helped create the fake pandemic and made it a casedemic. The test does not tell you that you are sick or have any virus at all. Now they give you a so called vaccine that does nothing to help anyone, except make you die or get sick. Forced masking was a pre-run to see how it would work, so they could force the vaxes. The masking was a sham. It was pre-programming. Anyone with a single brain cell knows masking does not work to prevent anything. Anyone who wears a mask touches it all the time, then they touch everything else and anything they touch goes onto the mask.And the cycle continues. Mask wearers, are super spreaders of bacteria etc. They are walking contamination factories. Most are to blind to have figured that one out. Plus mask wearer are not getting enough oxygen and they get brain fog. The pre-programming worked on a lot of people. Now they get the vaxes that do not work. They too are supper spreaders


- 3 years ago  

Hi Pandoras Box , yeap the lot is only sequenced out of lung fluid from day one by Drosten ,i am still searching for the original Drosten / Corman Papers ,as far as i remember he had a 96 % match and the rest was a computer model , ripoff from day 1 !! It exists but the proof they bring is never complete and always followed by a new scare ,he was also on the swine flue scare one of the pointman , love your pock at gates virus fucked software . Omni is interesting for the fact of mutations , naturally not possible - it takes to much time for deletions and additions , therefor the possibilities of mutations and adaptations with what is already here are exponential so the hypothesis is going towards that it is engineered and spread via the jab itself . I cant think of a logical option to explain how it can pop up all over the globe more or less at once , not enough time !! After all CDC claims to not have it , yet Drosten also never had it - so i dare say they have it but don't admit it since it is better to look stupid as guilty .It would allow a LAV Vaccine without side effects as in the synthetic soup . This way they can run their NWO program to the end . Back to Wuhan or Fort Detrick . The masking makes it worse since it creates micro-droplets which carry much further , and psychologically condition the masses - the system is so rigged , without mask you get some viral load allowing a natural immune response which is never happening with the jab , in fact it kills your immune system of so every jabbed one has to come back for more to stay alive while spreading it at the same time , perfect cash cow , just like Windows software , stay safe Fredy


- 3 years ago  

a lot of people have not died from the vax


- 3 years ago  

Hi Terranautone , every statistic tells otherwise . Just because they set the Goalposts so the death or injury does not fall into their "Parameters" does not mean they are not there . So go pick the numbers of VAERS , yellow card , euro stat , Atagi and others come easy to over one million globally , i call that a fucking lot of misery and death - proof me wrong and bring numbers Fredy


- 3 years ago  

Consider this: In the clinicaltrials, which they in fact are, not everyone gets the mRNA injections, when they get jabbed. They receive placebo injections. Furthermore we know nothing about long term side effects, caused by the chemicals yet. On top of the "C19" nonsense, we have already experienced myocarditis, blood clots, deaths etc. caused by the jabs: ⁣👉Dr. Ryan Cole | C-19 Vaxx Effects, Autopsies - SUMMIT SESSIONS The Science 👉 This is uploaded 1 year ago: CDC: 3,150 vaccine recipients unable to perform normal daily activities after 1st corona-vaccine shot 👉 Uploaded half a year ago: 30 - 300 DYING A DAY FROM THE INJECTION